Twenty - Seven - Telling People Part Two.

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I returned from the bathroom, Harry rubbing his eyes when I got back into bed. Harry tiredly reached his hand out and placed it over my stomach.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I shook my head, not feeling very well this morning. Harry sighed and started to rub circles onto my stomach. "Baby Styles, stop hurting Mummy. She needs her rest." Harry said, cutely pressing his lips to my stomach.

"Thanks, Haz. This baby is obviously going to be a Daddy's child." I told him as the uncomfortable feeling went away. I sighed in relief and settled back down, falling straight to sleep on Harry' chest.

I awoke a few hours later, Harry was not beside me anymore, which made me kind of upset. Damn hormones! I groaned as I got out of the bed, my muscles aching. I made my way out of the room, down the hallway and down the stairs where I smelt the wonderful smell of food, making my mouth water.

I got into the kitchen and saw Harry, not Margaret, standing over the stove, cooking. I smirked and made my way over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist. He stopped frying the bacon and turned to face me. I leaned up and pecked his lips.

"Delicious breakfast and a gorgeous boyfriend. Does Sunday morning get any better?" I asked with a smile and Harry laughed, then, turned to finish making the breakfast. Minutes later, we were eating a feast. Harry is one good cook! Harry stood up after eating his breakfast and smiled at me.

"Margaret and the others will be here soon. I'm going to get ready. We're meeting the others in an hour." Harry said, bending down and kissing the top of my head before leaving the room. I quickly polished off the rest of my breakfast before following Harry upstairs to change.

We got to the diner where everyone was already sitting. I was growing nervous as I looked at Luke, Calum and Heydon. Harry, on the other hand, wasn't nervous, but, actually couldn't wait to share the news. We sat down and everyone greeted us. I smiled at Luke and he smiled back. Harry grabbed my sweaty hand under the table and sent me a smile.

"Thank you all for coming. Emily and I have some exciting news to tell you." Harry started and everyone nodded. "Emily and I are expecting our first child together." Harry said and Anne and Gemma gasped while Luke and Calum' eyes widened. Heydon just smiled along with Robin.

"Congratulations!" Everyone cheered and I smiled along with Harry.

"Can we eat now?" I asked, feeling more hungry, then, I did when we arrived and the smell of food was killing me. Everyone around the table laughed and Harry called over a waiter.


"Do tattoos hurt?" Emily asked me as we were laying in bed that night. I shrugged as she began to trace over the swallows on my chest.

"A little. I found that it mainly stung and burned." I said and Emily nodded, moving her hand down to the butterfly on my chest and started to trace it. "Why?" I asked her and this time she shrugged.

"I wanna get one." She told me and I nodded. My hand subconsciously moves to her stomach and I smile.

"Can you even get tattoos while pregnant?" I asked and she nodded, which made me nod. "What would you like to get?" I asked her and she thought for a moment, her hand now wrapped around my stomach as she thought.

"I want to get your name and our child' name." She spoke slowly and my eyebrows raised in surprise.

"You want my name on your body?" I asked her and she looked up at me with a smile and nodded. I suddenly got the best idea ever! "Why don't we get matching tattoos on our wrists?" I offered her and she gave me an excited look and I laughed.

"Yes! Oh my god! When!?!" She asked me and I smiled at her excitement.

"Tomorrow? We can go into the office a little late." I shrug and Emily nods eagerly and I smile and nod. "Then, when our baby is born, we can go and get their name as well." I told her and she nods, a yawn leaving her lips. I smile and lean down to kiss the top of her head. "Go to sleep, baby. I need to go and book our appointment." I said before grabbing my phone and getting up from the bed.

Emily shook her head and I frowned, looking at her.

"I want pizza." She says and rubs her stomach. I sigh and nod before leaving the room.

"Hello, Damien." I smirked, standing in front of the desk with Emily' hand in mine. The tall, jet black haired man, tattooed from head to toe, made his way over to me.

"Styles! My man!" He exclaimed and pulled me into a 'bro' hug. "I'm tattooing your missus and yourself today?" He asked and I nodded and grabbed Emily' hand again. "Alright, you're getting each others name, right?" He asked and I nod. "Right! Let's go!" He says and I pull Emily along with me to the tattoo table.


I took a deep breath and sat down on the tattoo chair. I am really nervous, but, Harry' hand gripping mine made me more calm. I told the man where I wanted my tattoo and he nodded and rubbed the alcohol on my wrist before reaching for his gun. I gripped Harry' hand tighter as the tattooist started.

I squealed as the needles pierced my skin, Harry kissed my hand and I turned to face him, tears gathering in my eyes at the pain.

"It's alright, baby. He's nearly finished now." Harry comforted me and I nodded, wincing as the needle glided over my skin. The pain and the tears suddenly stopped. I looked over and the tattooist was cleaning up my new tattoo. I looked down and smiled at my first ink.

"It's your turn now, Styles." The man said and I gave Harry a smirk.

"Yeah, Styles." I giggled and Harry playfully glared at me.

Here is the next chapter, guys! I want to thank you all for reading and voting! I would appreciate some comments though! Please read, vote and comment!

- Emma x x x


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