Nine - Caring Man Whore.

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Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep

I have been hearing that noise for hours now and it's irritating me to no end. I finally had enough and pried my eyes open. My vision blurred for a few seconds before clearing. I groaned at the pain in my head, catching the attention of the figure in the room.

"Emily! Are you okay?! Do you want some water?! I'll get a nurse!" Lucas's worried voice rushed and I reached my hand out to grab his arm. His head shot around to me and I mustered up the best smile that I could give him.

"I-I'm fine." I said, turning my head, only to see Harry sleeping on a chair by the window, making me frown. Lucas rubbed my shoulder gently and I turned back around to face him.

"Em... You have been out for two days. Harry has explained what happened and you'll be able to see the nice bruise that I left him when he wakes up. He hasn't left this room for two days, hence the mountain of folders and the laptop over there." Lucas explained, pointing to a table full of papers. "He is so incredibly sorry, Em. He's worried that you hate him. He even had your car brought back to the apartment." He said and I sighed.

So, the man whore cares? Still, he looked so cute sleeping. His hair had fallen into his face and light snores were falling from his parted lips. I smiled at the sight. My mind drifted back to what Lucas had just said.

Harry has been here with me for two days? Wait...

... Where even am I?

"Where am I?" I asked Lucas and he sighed and sat down next to me on a chair and I frowned.

"You are at the hospital. You drank three bottles of alcohol. Apparently, your Father had problems with his kidneys and, so, do you. You already had kidney failure before drinking and now it's gotten a little worse. They have been monitoring you increasingly for the past two days." Lucas told me and I closed my eyes, hoping that when I opened them, I would be anywhere, but, here.

"I'm thirsty." Was all I said and Lucas nodded and got up.

"I'll run to the cafeteria to get you a drink. I'll also call a nurse." Lucas said before leaving the room. I turned to Harry and I couldn't help, but, smile because I knew that he wasn't asleep any longer, but, his eyes were still closed.

"You could win a medal for the 'best sleep faker'." I said and Harry' eyes opened and he sent me a little smile before standing up.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and I nodded. He sighed and hesitantly, reached his hand up to brush some stray hair out of my face. "I was so worried about you when Mrs Hemmings called me. I am truly sorry for thinking that I could mess with your heart the way that I did. You deserve better." Harry said and the sight of him almost in bits broke my heart.

"I don't hate you, Harry. I am just disappointed that after you promised me and your Mother that you'll change your womanizer ways, you went and slept with a women and flirted with another. I know that you're a single man, who can do what he pleases, but-" I couldn't go on, he can't know, he'll make fun of me.

"What? Please tell me." He said, looking at me. I sighed.

"You were my first... My first kiss." I muttered and Harry froze, not knowing what to say. Just as he was about to respond, the door opened and Lucas, Calum, Liz and a nurse stepped in. Harry went to back away, but, I gripped his hand. We still have much to discuss.


Me? I was this beautiful girl' first kiss? Why hadn't she told me? I know that she wants more, but, I can't do girlfriends anymore, not since what happened with Kendall. Well, I couldn't do a lot of things, then, Emily came along and suddenly, I'm doing them.

Everyone in the room left to get Emily a bag of nessasary's from her apartment. That left us alone. I know that I need to do something to show her how much I care about her, even though, I've only known her for a matter of weeks, I still care about her.

She turned to looked at me and I smiled at her.

"I am sorry for flirting with the female desk help. I am also sorry for sleeping with another girl after I promised that I wouldn't. I am not sorry, however, for kissing you and you kissing me." I smirked and she blushed. She, then, gasped and I frowned.

"Your meeting with the other company!" She exclaimed and I chuckled while calming her down.

"It's been and gone. I've won the company," I said and she nodded, sighing in relief. "Your friends helped a lot." I added and she smiled.

"They're practically family." She says and my mind flashes green. I know what I can do to show her just how much I care about her!

Find her family!

"No one is to know about this. Understand, Mr Parker?" I sternly said and the scared man nodded, quickly turning back to his computer.

"You say that their last name is Howard, Sir?" He asked me and I nodded, my eyes glued to his computer screen. "Okay. I have found two gentlemen by the names of Heydon and Leon Howard. Heydon is twenty four and Leon is thirty." He said before quickly typing some more things in. "There is a Mia Howard Crawley, she is twenty years old." He said and I nodded.

"So, the eldest Daughter is married?" I asked him and he nodded, showing me that she also has a Son named Aden Crawley. Leon has two Son' named James and Robert. He is also married. Heydon, it says that he has a Daughter named Chloe.

Wow, Emily has missed so much! But, why haven't they tried to find her? Do they even care? Heydon would have been eight when their parents died. That would have made Leon thirteen and Mia three. They were all so young! I looked back at the computer screen and found a number for Leon. I picked up the phone and dialled the number.

"Mr Howard speaking..."

Here, guys! So, Harry has found Emily' family! Thank you all for reading! Please read, vote and comment!

- Emma x x x


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