Ten - Howard's.

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"Mr Howard speaking..."

"Hello, Mr Howard. This is Mr Harry Styles speaking." I said and the man gasped a little over the end of the phone.

"Wait. Mr Styles as in The Mr Styles? C.E.O of Styles. Inc? That Mr Styles?" He asked and I chuckled a little before remembering why I called had him in the first place.

"Yes, that's me. I am calling because I have some good news to tell you..." I said and I could practically feel him frowning in confusion. "I know where your Sister is." I said and all I heard was heaving breathing over the phone.

"Emily." He muttered and I sighed. "You have really found her?" He asked, doubtfully.

"Yes, she actually works for me as my assistant. You may have seen her in the magazines with me?" I questioned and he hummed at my question.

"Can we see her?" He asked, desperately and I suddenly felt sadness at how vaunrable this thirty year old man sounded.

"Of course you can. If you can arrive by tomorrow morning, I will have accommodation ready for you?" I questioned, already thinking of how happy Emily will be.

"Oh, wow. Urm, sure. Thank you. If you would text me the details, I can prepare to leave." He said and I nodded before realising that he couldn't see me.

"Of course. Goodbye, Mr Howard." I said before putting the phone down. I took out my own phone and texted Leon the address of my apartment. I left Mr Parker' office and made my way to my department where I walked up to Brittany. "Book three hotel rooms with adjoining rooms." I said before collecting my things and making my way to the hospital where I was collecting Emily.

They were letting her out and since Lucas is leaving for a fashion show today and Calum was going on a business trip to New York and Liz was going home, Emily will be staying with me for a week. I need to face the facts that I care about and like Emily very much.

I may even be falling in love with her.


"You have to take these pills twice a day for a month. After that, you will come back, so, that we can see how you're kidneys are doing. You are not to do any heavy lifting or activities for at least a week." The doctor told me, giving me a warning finger before handing me the pills.

He left the room and I sighed and turned to Harry, who was fixing up my bag. I smiled softly at him as he hurled my bag over his shoulder, then, took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together.

He has definitely taken a big leap forward since our first encounter. I am extremely proud of him. We made it to his car, paps shouting and taking pictures of us.

We soon arrived back at Harry' apartment and he helped me out of the car and into his apartment where Margaret had lunch already set up. She actually sent me a smile this time and I sent her one right back.

Harry set me on the sofa where there was a blanket and the remote. Harry was making me feel awfully at home. Is he feeling okay?

"Thank you, Harry. I can't rest for long, though because I have emails to read and people to call." I told him and his head shot to me and he shook his head.

My Boss. My Lover (Harry Styles) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now