Chapter 26.2: Fated Meeting

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Mina shook her head. "Nothing. It's just that... I thought I saw a glint of silver in the darkness. A weapon, perhaps?"

"It is not safe here." Mykall's eyes scanned the crowd. "Let us quickly find what we need and get out. We are trapped in here with too many people."

"Aye, we must make haste." Searra's voice again, lush and throaty. "Do you not sense it, whorelet?"

"Silence, demon." Vannah hissed. "It is not that I don't sense it, I would rather not alarm the warrior and the maiden unnecessarily."

"What do you mean?" Mina asked, now concerned. She looked around, eyes darting in many directions, glancing at the strangers. Her hair was once again dyed dark to protect her identity, it swung around her, in an unruly dance as she turned her head around. She was dressed in travel clothing – a light black vest, heavy cotton shirt underneath and dark green pants; practical but shabby. She blended in well with the crowd, which had been Vannah's intent all along. Hiding the maiden was not going to be an easy task, especially in the company of the demon and the warrior, but the more commonplace she looked, the better it would be.

"The glint of silver you just saw. We have attracted unwelcome attention." Vannah whispered. "Do not look around. Pretend to busy yourselves with your food and drink."

Mina looked down at her glass. In the heat of the Izakaya, the cold glass was perspiring, the amber of the ale glowing in the dimly lit room. Her skewer of meat sat half-eaten on her plate, but she found her appetite rapidly diminishing.

"Has the government found us this quickly?"

"Perhaps," was the answer back from Vannah. "But there is a strange sinister presence, something I have been unable to place. And yet, it is very familiar. Do you know this presence, demon?"

Searra smiled, the pouty lips curling up as she did so, her eyes and nose mostly hidden from view by the thin veil that hung from her forehead. The veil the only sign that it was the demon, not the beautiful young girl, who sat with them at the table. "It is the same as us."

Mina understood the significance immediately, as did Mykall. His hands went right for the hilt of the katana, the delicate fingers lightly clutching the hilt, slightly angled, almost as though they were caressing it, but not quite ready to grab hold of them. Mina had seen that hold before; she knew the deadly force that lay behind it, and in the intent of the user.

"Should we leave?" Mina quietly asked.

"If we leave now, we risk wasting the journey. If they have followed us this far, they must intend for open confrontation at some point." Vannah calmly spoke. "That they have not confronted us means they are waiting for something else."

Searra was quiet now, a calm smile on her veiled face. Mina wasn't quite sure if it was sneer or smile. There were times when she felt the demon mocking them. She did not like speaking to the demon or even looking at it.

"What should we do then?" It was the warrior's turn to ask. He was calm and collected as always, but ever prepared to act.

"There is someone here with the knowledge and ability to take us where we need to go," Vannah continued. "Of that I am certain." She looked around, her hands once again playing with the wooden grain of the table.

"We must find him before our adversaries make their move," Mykall agreed.

"What if they move before we do?" Mina asked innocently.

"They won't. It is our move to make now in the game. They wait to see what we mean to do."

As on cue, a young waitress stepped up and moved toward their table. "Is there anything else I can get anyone?"

Mina looked up to see a girl just a few years older than herself. It took her a while to realize the young girl was staring back at her intently. She smiled, a good natured smile despite all she had been through. "Is there something on my face?"

The waitress blushed, suddenly putting both hands in front of her, waving them frantically in the air. "No, ma'am!" She bowed swiftly. "I am sorry, madam, it is a rude tendency of mine. Please forgive me, I did not mean to intrude."

The young lady tried to make a hasty retreat.

"May I ask a question?" It came from nowhere. Vannah's voice was calm, collected, polite even, but her pale fingers held onto the waitress' wrist, firm and insistent.

The young girl stopped in her tracks, looking a bit uncomfortable. She withdrew her hand, and bowed again. "Yes please ma'am. I will do what I can to answer."

"We seek a seasoned captain... " Vannah began. Mina was sure the young waitress could see the sharp teeth as the Dark Priestess spoke. She wondered why such things were not alarming to the other girl.

"...a special kind of seafaring one," Vannah finished.

The young waitress' brow furrowed. "A special kind?" she asked.

"What is your name, young lady?" Vannah asked calmly.

"Ellie." The answer was short, polite. "Ellie Starbreeze."

"Have you lived here long, Ellie?"

The girl paused, somewhat taken aback by the answer. "I... I've been working here at the Izakaya for the last five years, but I've lived in Umi all my life"

Vannah nodded and smiled. "Have you ever come across a captain willing to cross the Boundary of Light?" The question was asked simply, a straightforward question demanding a straightforward answer.

Ellie thought about this for a moment. The young waitress appeared deep in thought. The significance of Vannah's question would have given pause to anyone. It asked for a reckless captain, one willing to break the law. Those who fit these qualifications did not necessarily advertise themselves to the public, and those who ventured information on such individuals did not do so for free.

"I am sorry... such a man... not even in Umi..." she started to speak, but stopped herself abruptly and sighed. "There may be..." Ellie began, looking around, as if concerned she was being made part of an illicit transaction.

Vannah nodded, the full force of her personality present at that time. The intensity, the wisdom, the Light and the Darkness at the same time. Mina wondered what it would be like to be interrogated by the Dark Priestess. She felt as though Vannah was able to look right into someone's soul, and see darkness or light within. She wondered if Vannah saw light or dark inside her? Was I truly Amaterasu's Vessel? Mina wondered in her thoughts.

"Go on, Ellie," said Vannah. "We will pay well for this information."

Ellie hesitated again. "Umi..." she began. "Umi has a code. We don't tell anyone else about anyone. It is the way of these parts."

Vannah nodded. "We understand. We thank you for your time."

Ellie nodded her head and was about to start on her way again when Vannah reached out again, the frail hands and delicate fingers wrapped around her wrists insistently.

Ellie whirled around looking angry, but stopped dead as her eyes met the Dark Priestess'. "Should there be such a man... " Vannah began again. "And should such a man be interested, would you have him talk to us?"

Ellie paused, as she withdrew her arm from Vannah's grasp. "No such man exists," she replied, biting her lip, her eyes looking the other way.

Vannah nodded "And yet, earlier, you hesitantly told us otherwise. We would make it worth your while. Please think about it."

Ellie stopped short. It looked as if she wanted to say something else but thought better of it and kept her mouth shut. Something held her in place though, and she managed the words. "Find me after work." Then she was on her way.

Vannah smiled with satisfaction, baring her teeth. Mina thought that she and Searra looked more alike now, sinister sisters of the Dark and the Light.

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