Chapter Nineteen

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 I figured it would be best to leave Niall and Liam to themselves, give them a chance to talk. I knew Liam must be having a hard time with everything he’s been going through lately and he and Niall are closest, it seemed like he could really use someone. Even though I feel for Liam with the breakup and realizing he might be gay, I couldn’t help but  squeal with excitement on the inside. Haz has a real chance, he might finally get his happy ending. He deserves a happy ending.

 As much as I want to run up to Harry and tell him everything, shake him by the shoulders until he gets it, I couldn’t do that to Liam. He needs time to think and process everything and there was no way I would betray his trust.

I started plotting to myself, damn...I really have been spending too much time with Lou, he’s starting to rub off on me, I think maybe I’ll try to give Hazza that extra push, get him to really put himself out there now that I know there’s a chance. I think between Louis and I we’ll be able to get him to let down his walls a little and show his flirty side.

I closed the door behind me as I left the room and headed over to Zayn who had just gotten out of the shower. “Hey, I take it Liam’s back?” he asked.

“Yeah, Niall’s with him, they had some stuff they needed to talk about.”

Zayn motioned me to follow into his room as he proceeded rummaging through his wardrobe to find a suitable outfit. “I take it he went through with it yeah? He okay?”

I gave him a confused look, I was pretty sure he was referring to the breakup with Danielle, I think they had all seen it coming, but I wanted to be sure.

“Danielle. They broke up, no?”

“Yeah, they did. He’s pretty beat up though, got a lot on his mind.”

“Tell me about it. I just wish he could finally have it work out for him, you know? It seems like every time he finally has something good, it gets torn away from him,” he sighed.

“I know what you mean. Harry doesn’t seem to have the best luck in the romance department either. Perrie must know what it’s like too, her brother’s in the Navy right?”

“Yeah he is...but I don’t really get where you’re going with that.”

“Just saying, I mean with Ryan in the Marines, it feels like every time I finally get him back, he’s being shipped off again or he gets home just as I’m leaving. It’s gotta be the same for her.”

“Oh gotcha. Yeah, I guess we try not to think about it, just enjoy the time we do have” he shrugged and returned to pondering his clothing options for the evening. “Okay, random question...onesie or a tank top with sweats?”

“Not even a question...onesie all the way” I smirked at him. “We should all just wear onesies tonight, make it a party.”

“I like that idea,” he smiled as we noticed a noise downstairs. “Looks like Larry’s home” he laughed.


“Yeah...Louis and Harry, Larry” he chuckled to himself. “Oh by the way, what did you girls do to my poor little Nialler earlier. He was bright red when we met up to come home.”

“Oh that...we didn’t mean to, we just asked him his opinion on a certain product Harry asked for and he got a bit flustered when Perrie started teasing him a bit.”

“Oh so you were talking about sex then,” he said calmly as he headed to the bathroom to change. As he was leaving he rested his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes smiling, “Niall’s just a bit touchy on that subject...gets embarrassed easily,” and with that he was gone.

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