Chapter Twenty-Three

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I really wish I hadn’t read that letter yet.


Hey Munchkin,

I’m sorry it took me so long to respond. I would have called you back but you know how they can be about that on base and I hadn’t had a chance to use the phones here yet. I know you’re probably pissed now cause you just realised I said I was on base. Yes, I was just informed the other day that we’re supposed to be deployed sometime within the next couple months. They needed us here to do some basic training stuff again but don’t worry, they said it should only be about a week or two and then we can go home to spend time with our families until we get the call. I hope you and Haz are having a great time, I’m so glad you have the chance to go be with him, I know how much you have missed each other. Tell Hazza I love him and he better call me or write me sometime so we can catch up. Oh, and if you see Gem while you’re there send her my love and give her a big hug and kiss for me. I hope you guys are being safe and his mates aren’t giving you too much trouble. It seemed like you were having a blast in the picture he sent me. Anyways, I love you to the moon and back, the both of you! I can’t wait to see your smiling face when I get home. Love you baby sis. I promise I’ll let you know if anything changes.

P.S. Haz you better be staying safe and using condoms (if you’re having sex that is). I swear to god if Tyler tells me you haven’t been you’ve got something else coming. You’re the closest to a brother I’ll ever have and I can’t even stand the thought of you catching something that would put your life in jeopardy. I know, I know, I’m a guy too and I get it, it feels better without it, but don’t be stupid. Oh! You know, now might be a good time for you and Ty to have ‘the talk’ with each love each other enough to yell at each other until you get it through your brains to be safe. You better keep an eye on her once she’s legal, I might have to kill you if you let her do something stupid (That works the other way around too Ty, look out for him). I love you so much bud, can’t wait to see you.


Ryan. xx


Damn. He’s being shipped off again! I decided it was best if I wait until morning to tell her about it unless anything changed. We had all decided it would probably be a late morning since we were all planning on staying up late tonight. I closed the lid to my laptop and stripped down, joining Lou in my bed.

I stretched out my arm for him to come cuddle, which he soon did. I let out an exasperated sigh as he rested his head on my shoulder.

“What’s wrong Haz?”

“Ty got an email from Ryan. He said everything is fine but he’s on base for a week or two for some training before he gets deployed again within the next few months. After training they can go home until the call, but still, it means he’s leaving again.”

“Are you gonna tell her?” he asked worriedly.

“I’m just gonna tell her in the morning. She and Li both need a night to just unwind. I want to let her enjoy the night with them before I have to break the news.”  

“Are you okay?” He asked me gently. His thumb ran over my cheek lightly, Louis always does that when I’m upset.

“I’m scared Lou,” I sighed

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