Chapter 7

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Nina's POV

After climbing up the stairs to her room, LolZ shut her bedroom door and sat on her bed indian style. LolZ room was very contradictory. It is pink and had frilly curtains, but the walls most people would expect to see Justin Beiber and One Direction posterswere covered with Queen, Beatles and other popular bands from that era. LolZ and I shared a very similar music taste and one of our favourite things to is to jam with all her records, in her room. Her bed was covered with teddy bears and plush toys, wich I always teased her about. However I was jealous of her because my parents never bought me teddy bears when I was a child. They made me realize of how much of an abnormal childhood I had.

"Nina...Ninaaaaa...Nina" she screamed while snapping her fingers near my face.

"What" I asked rudely and kind of pissed.

"I just wanted to ask if you are okay, you know with your dad bringing home that slut and stuff" she asked genuinly concerned.

" You have got to stop asking me that, it's become like a routine. We both know that yes I am fine. Now that we have established that my emotions are fine can we please changre the subject" I said quickly.

" You do know I am not trying to be your thereapist because we both know how many of those your dad sent you to, I am just trying to fufill my duties as your BFFL" she replied quietly.

" I'm sorry about my crappy attitude. Lately I've been in such a crappy mood." I replied letting out a huge mouthfull of air I hadn't realised I was holding.

"Does it have anything to do with a certain sexy nerd that goes by the name of Zayn" she asked while trying not to blush probably thinking of Zayn shirtless.

" What are you talking about? And yes, Zayn is the proud owner of a six pack although there isn't much to be proud of" I answered, trying not to think of him shirtless and that so, incredbly, delicious, mouth watering six pack.

"Wait! Holdup! How would you know that?"

"Well.....I might have slept with him!" I replied knowing that she wouldn't believe me.

"No way!  how was is it? I've heard from Gloria that he was really... talented. I doubt he'd even sleep with her but who knows? Was he really talented?" she asked excitedly and very quickly. I could barely understand what she was saying.

" It was a joke LolZ" I said as if where the most obvious thing.

"Not cool...Not cool...Anyways how did you know he has a six pack? When did you see him shirtless?"

I started explaining the whole story and by the time I got to the end LolZ was fast asleep.I soon fell asleep too.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2013 ⏰

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