Chapter 5

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Nina's POV

When I finally got home, I took a long shower and made my mother and I some food. Luckily my dad wasn't there or else my mom would not have even eaten. I decided to tell her about my day.

"Do you want to hear about my day, mom." I asked her

She nodded.

" Well today I finished my English project about Macbeth. I was paired up with the new kid and I think our project rocks." I said with a little too much enthusiasm.I was hoping for a response from my mom but all I received was a blank stare. I sighed and left.


Zayn's POV

" So Zayn how was the party?" my aunt asked at the dinner table.

"It was fine"I answered, my face devoid of emotion.

The long awkward pause that my answer caused unsettled me. I felt bad, my aunt and uncle were so nice to me and so forgiving of all the mistakes that I had committed when I had first came to live with them.

"So how was your day Auntie?" I asked.

My aunt looked like she was about to burst with happiness.

She answered " It was great. I had tea with Mrs. Smith and Mrs.Brown. Then I went shopping, I got myself some new kitchenware and the book you wanted. What is it called again? Oh! YES!That book by Charles Dickens."

She got the book from her purse and handed it to me. I excused myself from the dinner table and headed to my room. Once settled on my bed, I opened my new book. The smell of it's newness attacked my nostrils. I inhaled deeply, I loved this smell.I started reading but I quickly fell asleep.


(A few days later)

Zayn's POV

I was currently falling asleep in English class. This class was really boring, I loved reading Macbeth but answering the questions, not so much. The teacher cleared his throat and said: " Class I'm handing in your assignments on Macbeth."

Now I was definitely awake, I was so exited to get our mark. I knew we had done well. He handed Nina the mark sheet so I skipped to her.

"What mark did we get?"I asked her.

She haded me the paper.

" Woah ! We got a 110%. Is that even possible?" I asked astonished.

"Well duh. That is why we got it. We both get to use the extra ten percent towards any other project, test and exam." Nina said annoyed.

"Oh Coool... So Joshua what did you get?" I asked.

"A 60%. Some of us have to actually work for our marks." He replied angrily.

"Woah! Are you insinuating that I cheated." I said equally angrilly.

"No I'm sure you didn't cheat. Your partner.... not so much." He said as he glared at Nina.

He thought Nina had payed someone to do her part. Why would he think that, she was so smart. Sure she was rich and a slut but smart people can be rich and slutty as well.

" Nina may be a....OW!" I screamed in pain because Nina had hit me. My scream subsided when the bell rang. Nina sprinted out of the room. I finally caught up to her...

"Why didn't you let me finish my sentence." I asked her. I was furious, I was trying to defend her and in return she punches me.

"Because" She simply answered.

"Because what.. You simply felt like it. Why did you punch me? I was trying to defend you." I said in a voice which held anger, lots of it.

"I don't like to be defended." She simply said.

"I won't leave you alone until I figure out why you punched me."

"You are so annoying! Leave me alone."

"Nope" I said as I continued to follow her.






"Fine... I don't want people to know I'm smart.That would ruin my rep."

" Why.You don't want to be labelled as a nerd?" I inquired.

"I knew you wouldn't understand. You probably noticed this; lot's of guys like me. But they don't know the real me, so they can't really like me. I don't want to have to deal with "love" so this is my way.. of not dealing with it..."

As she walked away I wondered why she doesn't want to fall in love.


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