Dealing with big brother Romano

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Italy stood in front of his german friend, or rather himself with a look of confidence.
"The next test is a "what would you do". Ready captain~?"
Hearing his voice so singsongish was so strange to germany he almost crindged. This what if test would definitely test how much he knew about his ally, he was sure. Seeing as they spent most of the time together he figured it wouldn't be too hard.
"Yes, I'm ready."
So weird.
His face grinned back at him with a signature italy smile. Germany didnt even know his face could stretch that much.
"If big brother romano needs encouragement, what would you do!"
"Romano?" I echoed. I felt a cold sweat start to form.
"Ah..well..I'd help him of course.."
Germany looked up at his friend in surprise.
"I'm wrong..?"
Italy nodded with a serious face, closed eyes to show he was making a point.
Much better..
"If big brother romano needs encouragement get as far away as possible! That's a lost cause."
"Woah Woah woah! There isn't anything I can do?"
Italy shook his head sadly.
"Not that I can think of. Big brother hes..difficult to handle. And he's a big crybaby so make sure not to make him upset!"
I would say I already know these things but that would probably be an understatement..
"Uh..yes. I'll make sure to do that."
"Bene~!" I think your getting the hang of this~"
Italy looked thoughtfull for a moment.
"Ah! What do you do if big brother romano seems suspicious of the change?"
Germany's sweatdrops increased.
Another question about romano? Have I gotten into something too deep?!
"I..ignore him?"
Italy shook his head quickly.
"No no no! You have to act like me right? What would you do!"
Hes getting WAY too into this-!
"I-id say something along the lines of i'll make pasta for dinner-!"
"No! You have to hug him! Hug my brother!"
My head is spinning! Hug? I dont hug ANYONE. And this is completely contridicting what he said to do before!!
"I will! I will!"
Italy seemed to calm down after that giving Germany a thumbs up with a completly ditzy grin. The blonde had to look away. He would never get used to this!
"Your all set~!"
What was this whole trial for then if everything is just for dealing with romano?!
A few minutes later Prussia once again appeared at the door.
"Ita! Jour Bruder is calling for you! Says he needs your help Makin lunch cause he's too lazy."
Prussia grinned at his brother's body now Italy as he continued.
"I need your help too West! The dogs are begging for food and you know how much they adore you. Better get to it~!"
The two turned to give each other a look as Prussia stood there impatiently tapping his foot. A dog appeared beside him and started knawing on his leg.
"Yeek! Wesst I'm begging you here!"
"Eek! I'm sorry! I'll do that right away!"
Eek?! We're done for just as we started!
Italy answered, scrambling to get up and running out of the room. The dog however held an iron grip on Prussia's leg. Germany felt bad for his brother, but there was nothing he could do now.
"Hurry up Ita, he sounded almost as impatient as I am-!"
Prussia then hobbled after Italy to remove the dog.
Germany let out a sigh at this terrible but irronic chain of events. He knew he would have to face Romano but this was way sooner then expected. Hopefully italy didn't mess up his role.
He stood up and ran to the door.
Well. It was now or never!

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