Cheater [6]

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(Penelope pov)

Lucas and I had gotten closer. We were best friends. He still doesn't know about what happened when I was 14. I Don't Really know That much about him either. But we were still good friends. I had other friends too.

Josh and I had gotten distant. Really distant. I was getting scared. Today is Halloween. I have keys to his place. I should go over there. Yeah! Maybe Lucas wants to see Melissa.

I text him

"Hey I'm going to the Columbia dorms to visit Josh. You wanna come with?"

He instantly responds

"Yeah I need to visit Melissa. Meet you in the hall in 10."

I quickly get ready. Today I Was Wearing All red. A red crop tod, red ripped skinny jeans, red converse and red lipstick. Devil. I walk outside and meet Lucas.

"Satan?" He asks, looking at my outfit.

"The one and only." I smile and we walk.

We get on the bus and arrive at the dorms.

"I'm in 302 if you need anything." I say.

"Alright in I'm 313. See ya." He leaves.

I walk to Josh's place, room 302. He wasn't answering his texts. Maybe he wasn't home. I had the keys anyway. I knock on the door. Nothing. I wait 5 minutes. Nada. I unlock the door. I hear faint sounds coming from the room

I follow my ears and push open the door.

This can't be happening.

I see him in bed. With a girl.

I sit down on the arm chair. This isn't real. It can't be.

But it is.

I hear him whisper something about her being so much better than me. I've had enough.

"HEY! That's rude." I say.

The girl shrieks. I smile. I look at Josh. He was standing with a pillow over his junk.

He quickly pulls on boxers. The girl was in her bra and underwear. I recognize her. I walk out of the room and the living room. No one followed me. I sit on the couch and break down. I silently sob.

Why? Why does this happen? Why does everyone always hurt me? It's not fair! I hate this. I hate this all. I hate Josh I hate me I have everything! Why Can't Things Be Easier? What did I do to deserve this?

I trace the scars on my wrist.

I don't remember how I got these.

I cry harder.

I feel a hand on my back. I see Josh.

"Don't you touch me!" I yell getting up and backing away.

"Hey easy..." he tried to calm me. What Am i? A dog?

"NO! No I will not go easy! How could you do this to me Josh? I Trusted You an-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! You ain't a walk in the fucking park either. You and all your stupid head aches and pity me here pity me there. I don't want a fucking baby! You are just too much! What did you expect me to do? What would you have done?!" he screams.

I go stiff. My whole body. I wanted to run. But I couldn't run. The tears had stopped streaming. I don't know what I feel. No. I don't feel anything now.

shattered memories ; Lucaya {✔️}Where stories live. Discover now