Shattered Memories (19)

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(Penelope's pov)

"I was afraid you'd say that."I sigh. This was it. This was when the truth was gonna come out.

"Come in, I'll make something." I invite him in. He sits in the living room and I go to the kitchen. I make 2 ham and cheese sandwiches. His with mustard and mine with mayo. I bring them in along with coffee.

"You know you can't just walk in here with sandwiches and a sorry then expect avert thing to be okay, right?" He asks. I sigh.

"Yeah, I know." I say. I sit down next to him. There was a short break.

"You know what I find weird?" He asks. "You act like you've never met me before, but somehow you remembered i liked mustard not mayo. How is that?" He asked. I feel myself tense up.

"I didn't remember. All the men I've known preferred mustard." I say. He laughs and I smile. But a fake and forced one. He takes another bite and I sip my coffee, black, like my soul.

I silently sit there- waiting for him to speak.

"A lot of things don't add up" he says. I chuckle.

"Yeah, a lot more than you know." I say in terms of my non existent memories.

"I have a lot of questions." He says.

"Fire away. But i may not be able to answer all of them before I explain the- truth." At this, he looks up.

"Did it hurt? After you woke up?" He asks. I think back.

"Well I had a pounding headache and I was hungry, but what do you expect? As for my wrists- the doctors did a good job stitching me up and I was basically high on morphine the whole time I was in the hospital. But my cuts were sore for like a week then I was fine. " I explain.

"Wow. Just wow. And I'm sure you were happy too." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"Was it fun for you? Do you know what you did?" He yells.

"Lucas what are you talking about?" I ask.

"I THOUGHT YOU DIED, MAYA! And don't give me that Maya is dead Penelope in alive bull. That's that's what it is. Bullshit. I loved you. Don't you get that? You of all people should know what it's like losing someone who means the world to you! And not even saying goodbye! You know what it's like for someone to leave you! And to blame yourself - oh. Maya I- I didn't mean that." I didn't even know what he meant. I stood there awkwardly twiddling with my thumbs. He continues "I- I know how much that bothers you. I shouldn't have brought it up."

"I'm fine." I try to sound okay but my voice cracks.

"How are you doing this?! If I said that to you 5 years ago you would've torn me apart! What the fuck changed?! You're acting like you don't remember-" I cut him off.

"THATS CAUSE I DONT REMEMBER" as soon as I say that I cover my mouth.

He looks at me horrified.

"W-what?" He asks.

Tears begin to fall from my eyes and it felt like my world was crashing down. My head begins to pound. Suddenly my legs give out and I stumble down. But Lucas catches me.

"S-sorry." I say still lightheaded.

"What do you mean you don't remember?" He asks. I walk to the couch and lay down. He sits in the armchair.

"When- when I tried to- to kill myself I took so many pills. And all kinds. They weren't supposed to be mixed. They all- they all fucked up my head. I lost my memories. Everything before waking up is a blank slate. I don't remember anything about you or anyone else."

My head started spinning at the speed of light.

Lucas was screaming about something but I couldn't make out anything he was saying. I felt like I was going to die.

"Lucas." I said, trying to get his attention.




"LUCAS!" I finally screamed.

"WHAT?!" He yelled back.

I felt my legs wobble.

"Don't let me fall."

(Lucas' pov)

My arms flew under her, just in time.
Her eyes fluttered back.

"You caught me." She whispered, her face going pale.

"I'll always catch you." Her eyes closed.

She was unconscious.

I picked her up bridal style and shot down the stairs.

There was a hospital a few blocks away.

I ran faster than I have ever ran before but good God it feels like I'm not moving.

We got to the hospital.

"HELP! HELP!" Nothing "FUCKING HELP ME!" This got someone's attention.

No fucking way.

Is that Shawn and Farkle?

shattered memories ; Lucaya {✔️}Where stories live. Discover now