Ch.1 "Where are you going?"

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Author's Note: Mikasa is a male in this and his name is Mikoso. Everyone else is their originally gender except Mikasa. When sentences are like this it means you are thinking in your mind. (Your Thoughts)
Reader's P.O.V

Today is the day I enter 104th Trainee squad...

*Time Skip*

As I was standing in line waiting to say my name and where I'm from. I heard Shardis yell at some kid who's name sounded very familiar it was ...
"Armin Arlert sir, from the Shingasa Distract!?!"
Wait Armin, that's means that Eren and Mikoso are alive also!? I thought they died during the fall. Whay didn't I find them!? Well at least fate bought all of us back together. While I was thinking Shardis came towards my way, but didn't yell at me or anything. He must know that I was there at the Fall of Wall Maria since I had a grim expression.


Aww dang it what just happened? I missed all the action while I was deep in thought. Shardis yelled at a girl with a brunette high ponytail and half of a potato in her hand??? Huh? Oh well I'll just find out later.

" All right maggots!!! It's time to head back to your headquarters!!!"

As I was heading to the headquarters I caught a glimpse of a red scarf. That obviously has to be Mikasa. I started to follow Mikoso... Wait where is Mikoso going this isn't towards headquarters? Hmm let's see... As I kept following Mikoso towards a forest with big trees... Mikoso had unexpectedly stop and turned around with a speed of lighting and hit me in the stomach with a kick Ahhh my guts! That hurts so much! Mikoso is still strong as expected. Then Mikoso suddenly pinned me to the ground, and got on top of me with his hands on my chest and his legs on the side of me.
His long black hair was covering his face as he said

"I knew someone was following me. I sensed it."
"Ummm" Mikoso cut me off
"How do you know my name!? Do you want something with Eren!?"
*sigh* " Of course, you're still all protective over Eren." Mikoso has not change at all.
Mikoso is now clutching my shirt with his fists on top of me.
"What do you mean!?" Mikoso finally lifts his head to look at my face
"Wait... Is that you (M/N)?" Mikoso let go of my shirt and had a shocked face on his expressionless face
"Yeah it's me." I said calmly
"It can't be you... I thought you died"
"I must make sure it's really you.." Mikoso said

He then punch me in the head What the heck Mikoso!? The last thing I saw was Mikoso getting off me and I blacked out completely.

My Trainee Years (Eren x Male Reader X Levi)Where stories live. Discover now