Ch.2 "Is that really you?"

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Author's note: (R/C) = Rare or Unique color
I'll be doing point of view for some characters for certain chapters. Their thoughts are like this also.
The pic is Mikoso and Eren is staying as a  boy.

Warning: Some bad/violent language ahead.

Mikoso's P.O.V

I start to walk towards the forest when I sensed someone following me. Then I stop walking and kick that person in their stomach. When they fall on the floor I pin them down by getting on top of them with my hands on their chest. Hmm they have a hard chest... They must be strong, so I shouldn't doubt their strength. I keep my head down with my hair covering my face as I speak to them.

"I knew someone was following me. I sensed it."
"Ummm" He says
The person that was following me is male.. Wait how does he know me!?
"How do you know my name!? Do you want something with Eren!?"
Now I'm anger, he probably wants something with my brother!
*sigh* " Of course, you're still all protective over Eren." He says
Huh what does he mean? Does he know me? That can't be!?
Now I'm clutching his shirt with my fists on top of him.
"What do you mean!?" I finally lift my head to look at his face
Wait those eyes, those beautiful (r/c) eyes and that (h/c) hair.
He looks so familiar, is that.. (M/N)? No it can't be!? He died years ago.
"Wait... Is that you (M/N)?"
"Yeah it's me." He says calmly
"It can't be you... I thought you died!?"
"I must make sure it's really you.." I say

I then punch him in the head, so he could knock out. When he finally does I get off of (M/n) and pick him up, and carry him bridal style. I'm going to take him to my dorm room and then to the medical room. I'll take (M/N) to my room to make sure that it's really him and then treat his head afterwards. As I'm walking out of the forest towards the dorms I sense someone staring at me. Then I look around to see that no one is there.

"Who's there!?" I say

Everyone should be inside the mess hall having lunch right now. Hmm...
I keep walking towards my destination. As I walk up the stairs a flash of black raven hair tackles me, but I keep my hold on (M/N). I see cold steel blue eyes glaring at me as I glare back at them.

"What the hell are you doing Cadet?" He says in a stern voice
"I should be asking who you are?" I talk back to him
Who does he think he is tackling me like that and speaking to me in that tone.
"You don't speak to a Corporal like that brat, do you!?" He yells
Damn it he's a Corporal, but I'm still going to hold a grudge against this midget.
"No Sir." I replay back
"Now Cadet, what are you doing with that kid in your arms?" He asks
"None of your business." I say in a monotone voice as I walk away

What I don't know is that the Corporal is going to...

A/N: Sorry for cliffhangers. :/ I will update by today later on or tomorrow.

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