Chapter Uno

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Akari's P.O.V.

I walk in the forest. Well, more like drag myself. I haven't had anything to eat for 3 weeks. Not since I ran away. Now I'm walking aimlessly, not to mention defenslessly, through a forest going who-knows-where. I hope I find someplace soon. I'm SOOOO hungry! I've been walking for, like, a month now. So boring~!


"Grrrrr~!" I freeze. "Who's there?!" I shout. "Grrrrr~!" I realize it's my stomach and feel stupid. I look down at my tummy. I've lost slot of weight. I was already skinny, now I'm like a stick. "BLAHHH!!! So hungry!" I yell. I hear another noise, and this time it isn't me. "Well well well. Look at this. A little girl wandering around at night, all alone. You should be more careful, or you might run into someone like me." A man hisses. I instantly recognize the voice. "Oreo-chan?" I ask happily. Orochimaru steps out from the shadows. His eye twitches from annoyance. I guess he doesn't like his nickname. Oh well! "Yay, Oreo-chan~! Do you have food~!?" He ignores my question and continues. "You ruined my plan, little girl. Thanks to you I lost a very important weapon. For that, I'll kill you." Aw man! No food!! Hmph. I make a pouty face and cross my arms childishly. He seems to think for a moment. "Actually, I think I have a better idea." His neck grows longer and slithers towards me. So cool! I stand there in awe. Hehe. I know it. I'm stupid. He suddenly bites my neck. At first I feel nothing, but then a horrible pain goes through me. Not as bad as I've felt before, but it sure as heck hurt. I clutch my shoulder where a black mark has appeared. "Oreo-chan~! What was that for~?" I whined, wincing in pain, but other than that show no sign of pain. He seems disappointed. "Since you killed my weapon, you will replace him. You will come to me for power. I'll be waiting." He says then disappears. I'm trying to stay conscious. I'm not gonna faint because of the pain, but because I'm SO DANG HUNGRY!!! My last thought before everything goes black is, 'I'm soooooo hungry~!'


I am sitting at a big table covered in an elegant silky material. "Oooo! Pretty!" Just then someone comes in the 2 golden doors carrying silver trays. "Oreo-chan? What're you..." I stop and sniff the air. Is that-? "FOOD!" I run over to him and stuff 3 turkey legs in my mouth. It tastes better than anything I have ever eaten. I glomp Oreo-chan. "Thank you~!" I sit at the table and stuff my face. Finally they bring out my favorite part, dessert! "YUMMY! PIE!!!" I'm about to dig into the pie when all the food disappears and everything goes black.

"NOOOO! BOB!!!" I yell sitting up. Yup! I named my pie Bob. Too bad he wouldn't have gotten to stay around for very long. I'm sure we would've been good friends. I blink and look around the white room. By my bed I see a surprised and slightly frightened nurse. "Oh. Sorry!" I say with a sheepish grin. "Um... Nurse lady? Where am I?" She finally shakes off her look of surprise. I notice her name is Masumi. 'True beauty', huh? (That's what Masumi means) She sure is pretty. I gawk at her and don't notice her talking. "Um, miss. Are you alright?" I look at her confused and then snap out of it. "Oh, yeah. I was just thinking of how pretty you are, nurse lady!" I give her a closed eye smile. "Well, um, thank you. I'll tell them you're awake." She smiles and leaves. Hmmm. What a nice person. Maybe I can be friends with her. If I stay here. Where ever 'here' is.

A man with awesome white hair and a mask that covers half of his face walks in. All I can see are his eyes. Well, one of his eyes. He smiles at me, I think. I give a huge smile back. "Hello!" I say pretty loudly. He's hot. I smirk to myself. I wonder if there's more like him. Akari! Not the time to think about that! I scold myself. Right, gotta get to the point. "Where am I?" He looks so bored. "At a hospital." He says apatheticlly. "Uh huh, uh huh. Right, right. I knew that. Which village am I in?" He still looks bored. "Konoha." Sounds nice. Maybe the 'kage'll let me stay. "The Hokage wants to speak with you." I smile. "'kay. Hey, I never got your name."

"My name's Kakashi Hatake. What's yours? It's only fair you tell me, since I told you mine." He's a smart one. Awesome. "Sup! My name's Akari." I get up and get my clothes. "I'll be outside." I smile evily. "Alright, Ka-chan~!" I giggle at his new nickname and skip into the bathroom. I quickly change into my clean clothes. Guess they washed them. I ought to thank them later.

I skip out of the hospital and meet Ka-chan. He starts walking without even acknowledging me. Oh well. We walk all the way to the Hokage's office in silence. Oh no! I almost forgot! I'M HUNGRY!!! I slouch and pout like a kid. Either Ka-chan didn't notice, or he didn't care. Whatevs.

We walk up the stairs and he knocks on a big door. When he hears a 'come in' he opens the door and walks in. An old man with a big hat is sitting at a desk. I guess all dudes here aren't as hot as Ka-chan. I bow respectfully, remembering my manners. "Hello!" I shout-ish. "Hello." The Hokage replies calmly. I'm so excited! I hope I can stay here. "I'm the hokage. I see you've met Kakashi." I look up at Ka-chan and smile. "Yup! I sure have." I look back at the Hokage who is dismissing Ka-chan. "Please, take a seat. Kakashi tells me your name is Akari. Is that right?"

"Mmhmm." I nod my head. "You can stay here if you please. But I ha-" I interrupt him. "YESSS! WHOOHOO!!!" I shout throwing my arms in the air like an idiot. Yes, I get to stay! He seems a bit taken back, and I stare at him with innocent eyes. Teehee! "Like I was saying before, I have some questions I would like to ask you."

"Alright. Ask me anything."


Narrator: And so it began. The life of Pie. Er, I mean Akari.

Directer: You're fired!

Narrator: ·o·

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