Chapta Three

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Chow erybody! I came back and made this one longer (hehe that's what she said). :) Enjoy.


I've always been an early bird. Ever since I remember, which is why it's no surprise when I wake up at four in the morning. The surprise is the arm around my waist. My eyes open quickly and I stiffen when I feel a warm body pressed against my back. Not wanting to wake them I slowly turn my head around to get a glimpse of their face.

Sleeping next to me is a boy my age with spiky black hair. He looks peaceful as he breathes in and out. I wonder what he's dreaming about.

Ignoring the fact that there's a random guy I don't know sleeping next to me, I untangle my arm from his and place it on his forehead. I close my eyes and see a white glow from behind my eyelids. Concentrating, I reach into his mind and see his thoughts. There is a younger version of him and what I'll guess is his big brother. They're playing around outside. It looks like his big bro is teaching him a jutsu. I pay attention as he teaches him. Maybe I can learn it too.

The Big bro performs some hand signs and blows fire from his fingers. Awesome! I wanna try! I leave his mind and open my eyes. The white glow recedes from my hands as I let go of the jutsu. It's a special one of mine. I made it up when I was little.

I untangle the rest of my body from the dude and take one last look at him before leaping off to the bathroom. I memorized this place yesterday, so it only takes me bout two seconds to get there. I take my hair out of the ponytails and brush it out. I slept with them in so my hair's all tangled and shtuff.

After I finish with my hygieneial things I walk downstairs and open up the fridge in the kitchen.

"WHAT?!" I open up the doors to find nothing but an apple. How can this dude live?! That reminds me. Who is this guy? I grab the Apple and take a huge bite of it. Bittersweet. Maybe this is the guy I'll be living with. Yay! I like him already. He's really warm. I wonder if he sleeps with strangers all the time. That would be coool.

Talking to myself about apples and strangers, I head out the door and straight through the village. While me and Hina-chan were going to the awesome ramen shop we passed a training ground. And I wanna try doing that cool fire jutsu thing! I go to the ramen shop - Yup! I remembered where it is. Aren't you proud of me? I take a few lefts here and a few rights there and am soon standing in front of a clearing. This is the training ground? Wow. Definitely not as awesome as back home. Not that I can remember much about home. But I have a new home now! And I've already made a friend.

I stand in the middle of a clearing and close my eyes, trying to remember the signs he did. I copy them, my eyes still closed. Directing my chakra to my fingers and mouth, I open my eyes and blow. A semi-big fire ball shoots out.

"Cool cool cool! That's so awesome!" I shout. "Now let's make it bigger. Hehe." For the next four hours I practice the jutsu until I have perfected it. I've always been able to master a jutsu in not much time. Just a gift of mine I guess. By the end I am panting and my clothes are dirty. They are also burnt in some spots. Hehe. I think I was having a little too much fun. Nah. There's no such thing as too much fun. But now I'm hungry. Hey! I should go get my new housemate and Hina-chan and we can eat lunch together at the awesome ramen shop! That would be totally awesome!!!!

I hop off and through the village to the Hyuuga houses. I walk up to a gaurd standing at the entrance.

"Hello my fine sir. I'm here to see lady Hinata, if I may," I say regally and bow. He seems confuzzled and stands there staring at me.

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