Chapter 4tisimo!

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Hey dudes!!!! Thanks for coming back to me~! Sorry bout all the mistakes I made in the previous chapter, I'll be fixing it after this one. :) Read on my darlings!



"Brrrr..." I shiver. "Blankets..." I reach my hand around, and am disapointed when I feel nothing but empty space. I open my eyes slowly. The first thing I see are the gigantic montonous goosbumps forming on my arms. "It's so cold.." I sit up. The blankets are completely gone! Oh no! The blanket monster is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream.

"Aaaahhh!" Sasuke jolts up in surprise. He sounded like a girl. Hehehehe. When I look down at him - Why is he sleeping on the floor? - I see a sea (Haha) of blankets. So he took them!

"Heyyyyyyy~ You took all the blankets," I pout.

"Hn." He looks at the clock and sighs. It's 2 in the morning. He looks like he's talking to his inner self and thinking really hard. Finally his other side wins and he sighs again. He grabs two blankets and throws them at me.

"Yay! Thank you!" I put the blankets over me and curl up, instantly falling asleep.

Sasuke's thoughts: Thank Kami! She's finally asleep. Ugh. I'm going to go insane.

BLAH BLAH BLAH.................TIME HAPPENS.......

I wake up for the second tome this morning. I stretch my arms and yawn, pulling the blankets off of me. I look down at where Sasuke used to be sleeping. "Huh?" He's not there. I wonder where he went.

I crawl out of bed, still in my boxers and a t-shirt, and sneekily tiptoe to the slitely open door. I hear nothing, so I continue on my tretcherous jouney to find the rare and extinct Sasu-duck. I enter the hallway and climb the wall so i'm on the ceiling. That's right, I can do that. Be amazed.

I crawl on the ceiling until i'm in the kitchen, where I find a very fluffy Sasuke cooking. Funny. I didn't figure him to be a cooker. I guess he's just a box o' chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

"Run Forest, run!!!!" I shout faling from the ceiling. Sasuke jumps and turns around to growl at me. I pretend to be dead.

"The food will be ready soon," he says begrudgingly while flipping a pancack in the shape of a kunai. I stand up and run my hands through my unruly blue hair. It's all tangley, which is why I usually put it up in two ponytails. Plus I can whip people with them!

"Hey Sasu-chan?" When I say his name he flintches.


"You wanna train with me today? Please please please!" I make a pouty face and clap my hands together in front of my face.

"No." He turns back to watching the baccon. Yummmmm!

"Why not?"


"Because why?"

"Just because."

"Just because why?"

"Would you shut up?"


"Because you're annoying." He growls.



"Woah, boy. Calm down," I walk over and grab a piece of baccon from the pan, "Good boy~!" I coo. He growls and grabs the baccon that was hanging out of my mouth.

"Awe~!" I pout and sit in my emo corner growing mushrooms. Maybe he can make them into something later.

I really wanted to train with someone today. Maybe Hinata will want to. Wait no, she told me that she had family shtuff to do. Pooey. Well, I guess I'll have to train all alone. Maybe I'll work on the fire jutsu! I already have it down pretty well, but I can make it better. Yeah! That's what I'll do!!!

"It's ready," Sasuke says monotonely. I run up to the table and sit down in my spot. Sasuke puts a plate of three pancakes and just about a pack of baccon.

"Thank you Sasu-chan!" I pour syrup and nutella all over my pile of food and dig in. Sasuke watches me with a grimace on his face as I stuff a giant piece of pancake, baccon, syrup, and nutella in my mouth. I don't think he aproves of my breakfast concotion.

                                                * * *

After breakfast and a quick shower, I follow Sasuke to the training grounds. He starts practicing as soon as we get there, without even saying anything to me. :( I would have gone to my emo corner but I saw Hina-chan and Kiba-chan practicing  at another playground.

"Whazzup ma mans?" I ask as I skip over to them. Kiba is doing this weird thing with his dog, and Hinata is watching. I wish I had a dog. Maybe I'll get one. Nah. Well, not unless it can clean up its own poopies. "I thought you had to be somewheres today Hina-chan."

"H-hello Akari-san. It w-was canc-celed." Hinata says. Kiba and Akamaru finish up their trick and come over to me and Hina-chan.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" He asks. Akamaru come and rubs his nose against my leg. I pat him on the head.

"I was gonna train with Sasuke, but he wants to be a lemon eater, so... Can I train with you guys?"

They both nod, so we start training. Kiba and Hinata both taught me something, so I taught them something. It was the jutsu where I can manipulate plants. I learned it from someone a while back. They didn't quite get it, but they still did okay... Kinda... Okay, they totally and epically failed! I bet you didn't know that's how you spell epically. Epicly-Epically. What's the diff, right?! Sorry, I was getting a little off track. Why do they say that anyway? It's not like we're trains or something. Hmph. Well, anyway... I trained today. ^.^ That was pretty much all I did.

When we finished, though, I got to go with Hina-chan and Kiba-chan to Ichiraku Ramen. I dragged Sasuke along too. He liked it, he just didn't know it. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

A/N - Sorry for the lame chapter. It was just a filler. And not a very good one. Anyway, I'm sorry for the long wait for the update. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!!!!!! PLEASE ANSWER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you guys rather have me write shorter chapters, but update more often, or would you rather me write longer chapter and update not as often?




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