Chapter 24- Surrounded by references

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Wherever that woman had put you for witness protection you didn't know, but it was beautiful. You were given a small, but cosy, log cabin that was surrounded by forest. There were a few neighbouring cabins but not many.
The reichenbach waterfall was only an hour's walk.

Dan had been happier since you had been there. He was eating more and seemed to be smiling more frequently.

[BF/N] was still being sick and quite often didn't get out of bed.

You stirred Dan's hot chocolate and your latte as you contemplated on this.

You called to him only to find his voice coming from the porch. You carried out his drink and he gladly took it.

You sit down next to him on the bench-swing and sip your drinks in unison.

"I like it here." You say and force yourself closer to Dan- like he had done to you on the tube.

"I'd seriously consider moving out here if it wasn't for the crappy wifi and lack of anime!" Dan joked.

He picked a marshmallow out of his drink and fed it to you, as if you were a baby.

"Thank you." You say, spilling your latte all down yourself.

"Well aren't I clever!" You say sarcastically and walk inside. Dan follows you and puts your mugs in the sink to be washed.

You go to your room that you and Dan shared and pulled a change of clothes out of a drawer.

It was a [c] skater dress that said if I don't have to do something I won't, if I have to do it- I'll make it quick! in black lettering.

You pulled on your galaxy converse and [c] jacket and walked into [BF/N]'s room.

The bed was made and the bathroom door was open.

"[BF/N]?" You call.

""I'm in here, I'm decent you can come in." She says.

You walk into the bathroom only to find her in tears by a dead ladybird.

"It had such a short life." She cries, (yes, a ladybird made her cry). "Why did I kill it? I'm a murderer!" She continues, tears flowing down her face.

"That's it, I'm taking you to Doctor.Pepper!" You say and pull [BF/N] out of the cabin.

You pull her by the wrist down a small hill where another cabin was located. This one had a small wooden sign with a green cross painted on it by the door.

You swing the door open and the bell rings. A podgy woman with short purple hair greets you.

"I'm Bella, the receptionist at this clinic, how can I help you?" She asks.

You walk up to her and begin to speak when you feel a pain in your cheek. [BF/N] had hit you.

"What the bloody hell was that about?" You say and rub your cheek.

"I don't need your help! I can make a doctors appointment by myself!" She rages.

"But you can't handle the death of a ladybird for crying out loud! How can you do this?!" You snap back at her.

"SCREW THE LADYBIRD!" She says back to you.

You sigh and give in. You scribble her symptoms on a piece of paper and hand it to Bella:

Mood swings (you just saw one)
Range outbursts (just saw one)
Throws up A LOT
Unnecessarily sentimental about stupid little things

She thanks you and you leave the practise and jog back to the cabin. Your plan was to settle down with a manga that you had bought before you left Blue Exorcist, but your plans changed when you heard Dan speaking.

"Hello Internet! Sorry if this one sucks, the wifi is really crap. As you can see I'm not in my bedroom filming this like usual, I'm in Switzerland I think.

Yes, I'm in Switzerland. I'm here because my whole world has recently been turned upside-down (or downside-up however you want to look at it) so me and the girl that I'm head over heels in love with..."

It was then that you stopped listening. Your brain shut off and the world didn't matter anymore.

The girl that I'm head over heels in love with.

The girl

that I'm

head over heels

in love with.

Head over heels, in love...

HI GUYS!!! So how was this for a filler chapter?!!

Thank you so much for 1.25K reads!!! That went up so quickly, you are all kawaii! Yes, YOU! *points at readers, who are kawaii*

Also, thank you for all of your requests so far. I will be taking them up to December 31st 2015. So, if there is anything you want to see in this fic or another one you want me to do, leave a comment or message me about it.

See you at the next chapter

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