Chapter 2 We have forty-eight hours to get to England.

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  • Dedicated to josh whedon and the cast of both series

Chapter 2

We have forty-eight hours to get to England.

      Giles was sitting at his Victorian style oak desk; as he slowly reaches over to pick up his phone with one hand, as he picked up a note that has Buffy’s phone number. He dials her number in Rome; the phone rings twice and she picks up. Buffy answers the phone, “Hello, Giles. What’s up, how can I help you?” Giles replies, “Buffy, do you remember Wesley?” Buffy took a moment to think about it, and then stated, “Yes, Wesley went to L.A., but he has not talked to any of us in nine years. Has he gotten a hold of someone?”

      Giles took a deep slow breath then, “In a way his father, Mr. Conner Pryce called me less than a hour ago, right out of the blue. He needs us to get to his home in London in forty-eight hours. He wants you, Willow, Neva, Dawn and Xander there; he has information that is imperative for us to be there as of yesterday. I can call Xander and Willow and meet you all at the airport in London.” Buffy replied, “Okay, I can call Neva up and get Dawn to pack. I am getting online to get he tickets as soon as I hang up. We’ll meet you there.”

      “Okay, we’ll see you there. Bye for now.” Giles said. “Bye for now.” Buffy answered and as they hung up, she yells at Dawn; “Dawn get in here and hurry up.” From the kitchen Buffy hears Dawn coming down the hall, Dawn comes in and replies “Yeah Buffy, what’s up?” Buffy turns around and states, “Dawn, we have to pack and get to London, no questions asked. We have to leave in the morning; please go pack enough stuff for at least a week. I’m calling Neva right now.” Dawn gives Buffy a small smile and says, “Okay, I’m gone.”

      As, Dawn walks to the bedrooms; Buffy turns to the laptop and finds the airlines webpage and books three tickets to London, England.  Buffy picks up the phone and dials Neva’s number. The phone rings once and Neva answers, “Buffy, what’s going on? It has only been two hour since we went on rounds.” Buffy lets out a breath that she didn’t even know she was holding to say, “Neva, I need you to get over here and have a week’s worth of stuff. We leave for London tomorrow morning. An old friend needs our help.” Neva grips the phone and says, “Give me a hour, Buffy. We will be ready to go. I’ll see you then.” They hang up the phone and Neva grabs two suit cases and starts packing.

      Meanwhile, Giles is on the phone to willow. “Willow, how soon can you get here, and get a week’s worth of stuff.” Willow answers, “Giles, I’ll be there in forty-five minutes. What’s going on?” Giles sighs, “We are going to meet Buffy and the girls at the London airport. Then all of us are going to meet Xander at Wesley Pryce’s parents house by tomorrow night.” Willow looked out the window and replied, “Okay, let me get Sarah to come over and house sit for me.” Giles smiles to himself and says, “Okay, I’m calling Xander. See you in forty-five minutes and thank Sarah for me.” Willow giggled and said, “I sure will, bye for now.” Willow hangs up and walks over to the apartment building next door.

      Willow rides up the elevator to the seventh floor to Sarah’s apartment and knocks. Sarah opens the door, and says “Hay Willow, you want to come in?” Willow just says, “Sarah, can you house sit for me? I have to go out of town for a while. And I’m not sure how long that I’ll be gone.” Sarah says, “Sure Dawn, when are you leaving?” “I will be leaving in about forty minutes. Oh and Giles said to say thank you from him as well.” Willow says with a wink. Sarah smiles very shyly and almost whispers, “Well I’ll be there in ten minutes, and you can let him know I said that he is welcome, and he better come by and visit me soon.” Willow hands Sarah her house key and hugs her as she says, “Oh, I will be sure to tell him and thank again, heres my key.”

      Meanwhile, Giles has called Xander, when he says; “Xander can you get to the Pryce house on Queens Blvd by tomorrow night? That is where Willow, Buffy, Neva, Dawn and I will meet you after we meet up at the airport.”  Xander answers him without a skipped heart beat, “Giles, I will be there, just send me the address. Do you know how long we’ll be gone?” Giles took a breath, and as he let it out he replies; “Xander, I won’t lie to you. I just don’t know how long. But it might be a while, so pack enough for at least a week.” Xander looks at his computer and says, “Okay I got it, I’ll see you all there.”

      They hang up the phones, and begin to pack their stuff. As everyone works at getting ready to leave and meet up in London, Willow sees a vision of Oz and he is hurt while fighting a demon that has a young man that looks like Angel. But Willow knows that it could not Angel, he died when L.A. disappeared. Willow calls Giles and tells him, “Does Angel have a son, Giles?” Giles replies “Not that I know of, but maybe Wesley’s father might know if Angel does. We will have to ask when we get there, ok?” Willow agrees with him.

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