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I never thought I wold be in love with Sheldon Cooper. This is so weird. The first time I met him I thought he was just some wackadoodle. But no, he's much more than that. He's a fun guy that I never knew that I loved. But there's one problem with this, he's got a girlfriend and seems happy with her. And I'm with Leonard. But I'm really unhappy. I need to break up with Leonard and tell him my real feelings.
That night I decided to invite Leonard over for dinner. This will be the night I confess.
"Hey penny." Leonard says as he walks through her door.
"Hey Leonard." He's sits down at the tables and I bring over the plate of spaghetti.
"Now Leonard I must talk to you." This will be hard
"Yes babe, what is it?"
"I think we should see over people. I'm just really unhappy with you. I'm sorry." Leonard's mouth just dropped open.
"You're unhappy?! Why? Is it something I did? I can change!"
"No sweetie it's not you, it's me. I've had a crush on someone else and it's only become clear now."
"Who is this guy?" He's angry I can tell
"It's Sheldon. I never knew I loved him until just recently. I don't know what it is about him, but I just love him." Leonard is now both shocked and mad.
"Sheldon!!!? How!!??? Why?!!!" He's really shocked.
"I don't know, it just happened, I just love him." I really do.
"Well that's fine. I guess. I think I'll be going now."
"No Leonard please don't be mad. Don't hurt Sheldon. He doesn't know yet." I need to tell him
"I am going but I won't hurt him, I'll just remain mad at him." Well at least he won't hurt him.
"Alright then. Bye I guess." I feel horrible for braking up with him.
"Bye" he left. Now I must go find Sheldon and tell him the news. I'll check the comic book store. He's always there. I get my stuff and walk down to the comic book store. I arrive and I look in the window, and sure enough there is Sheldon. I must walk in and tell him the news.
"Hey Sheldon." I think I startled him
"God penny. You frightened me"
"Oh I'm sorry,"
"If you're looking for Leonard he's at the apartment." Yea I know that,
"Yea here's the thing, I wanted to talk to you." That's something I thought I'd never say.
"You want to talk to me? Well I guess Iron Man will have to wait for another time." God I love it when Sheldon talks about his super heroes. Sheldon and I go sit in the bench at the park.
"Now what do you what to talk about?"
"Sheldon, I recently broke up with Leonard. "
"Why are you telling me this? I really don't care." Oh Sheldon, if only you could shut up for one moment.
"Sheldon, listen. I broke up with him because... I love you." He seems startled.
"Oh. Ok. This is new information. I don't know what to say." Please just say you love me back. "I think I may have feelings for you too. Ever since I first saw you, I thought you were the prettiest thing I've ever seen. Your voice is beautiful and even though you can't understand what I'm talking about, you still seem to turn me on in a way."
"So you feel that same way?"
"Well that's what I just said!"
"Good. Well should we tell everyone or...." I'm not sure what to do now, I've told him how I feel and now he's confessed he had the same feelings now what?
"I think we Should keep it a secret. Test run it first then see."
"Oh wait! Leonard already knows!" I forgot about him
"Well maybe he'll just have to keep it a secret."
"Good idea. Well I guess I'll see you around."
"Yes. Good bye now." Sheldon planted a small kiss on my cheek. He got up and walked back to the comic book store. I'm so gla he loves me too. I have a feeling this love will last a long time.

How was that. I'm not the best at writing one shots. Sorry. Hope this was ok.
Stevie 🌟🎩🌟🔮🌟

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