Apples Make Apple Crisp... Duh?

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Daisy's POV

"Mama? Can I eat a bopper?" I chuckled.

"A what?"

"A bopper! Like what the cute minion guys say in ispicable me? For the red fruity thing?" She tipped her head to the side, waiting for me to grasp the meaning of her words. Bopper= apple? Aha!

I reached over to the plastic see-through container and handed her a crisp, red apple.

"This one, Shelly?" She nodded excitedly and squealed.

"I got a bopper! I got a bopper!" She chanted while gripping it tightly in her hands and jumping for joy.

"Mommy loves me so much 'cuz she gave me a bopper! Boppers make me love people...!" She sang off tune about how apples were like superheroes, how Daddy was like an apple, how Mommy was like an apple, and so on. I immediately picked up my iPod and started taking a video. You are irresistible.

"Mama, what kind of fruit do you use when you make a apple crisp?" I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Well, what do you think, sweetie?"

"I think you use pineapples. Or maybe chicken!" I mentally gagged. She propped her chin up on her elbow and I could've sworn I'd seen some resemblance in her and the Thinker statue.

"I got it, Mama! You use boppers!" I smiled.

"Right on the money."

"Money? Where? Where?" I burst out laughing at the look on her face.

"Mama?? Money? Please?" I pulled my purse out of my bag which was lying under the table and placed 5 pesos in her hands.

"Thank you Mama!" She ran upstairs to put it into her piggy bank. I looked at the half-eaten apple that she had laid I the table and went to grab the rest of the ingredients to make apple crisp. And no, chicken and pineapple were not on that list.


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