Apple Crisp and Looove

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5 years later-Roshelle is now 19
Roshelle's POV

"Mom! Dad! He asked! He finally asked me!" I screamed and ran into the kitchen where Mom was sitting at the counter writing something on a piece of paper.

"Mom! He asked me! Kyle asked me to marry him! OMIWORD!!!" She jumped up and hugged me.

"Wow! I am so happy! You said yes, right?" I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Of course! Why else would I go crazy like this?" Dad came into the kitchen and group-hugged us.

"We are very happy for you. He's a good man and he can play basketball. I think he will make a great husband and father." With that out he nodded in satisfaction and sat down. I giggled and mom and I started to make plans for my wedding.

"One thing I require." Mom looked at me and we grinned unanimously. "I want you to make for my wedding reception..."

"Bopper crisp!" We exclaimed. Then we started laughing.


I want to dedicate this short chapter to my older sister, who believes in waiting patiently for the right guy to come along. God bless u, sis! Hope that when the right dude comes along he'll be worthy of you:);)!

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