Chapter 2

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"Uhhmm, hi-hi look IM so sorry for spilling my shake on you I was just excited for something and I was running and I know I should always look at where I'm passing and Uhm... I-I probably deserve it if you get mad at me..." Banana girl continued to ramble while I was still absentmindedly gazing all smiley at her.

She's perfect. Her eyes are the perfect shape and color. Her lips are full and plump, she smells really good and honestly, she's just really cute.

"..But I hope you're not mad.. Hey? Is everything okay? I have to go, honestly.." She suddenly trailed off, causing me to break my trance.

Damn Lauren, way to act creepy. I didn't want her to feel weird about me though and by the way that she's looking at me right now, I know that my chances about that has just gone out the window. Sensing her discomfort, I suddenly put my guard up and released her hand quite roughly.

"It's fine. Just watch where you're going next time." I told her, not managing to look at her again. She just nodded in agreement.

"Look, I really have to go, my friends are waiting for me, they've been waiting for me for quite some time now, and now they have to wait longer because I have to get another of this" she pointed to her now empty shake cup, "again." After that she just left me her handkerchief and walked away rather briskly.

I wonder if I scared her off. I hope not. I stared at my hands as she walked away.

I am probably a creepy fuck for doing what I did, but I didn't use "Banana girl"'s hanky to clean my shirt up. I just simply threw it into my desk when I got back to my dorm room. That girl is weird, I thought to myself. But damn, she is cute. Very cute.

I didn't see Banana girl for the next couple of days because we, unfortunately, didn't have classes together. Keana and I hung out more though, and we got so much closer.

It was a chill Friday. I was just lying on my queen sized bed, scrolling through Tumblr mindlessly. Until the school bell rang, signalling the end of our lunch break. I checked my schedule for my next class. Physical Education - Dancing 1. Ughhh, I groaned. I hate dancing!! I couldn't even dance. What does dancing have to do with education? This is fucking insane. I fucking hate PE. UGHHH DAMN IT.

After a string of profanities and annoyed groans, the second bell rang, meaning that class was about to start. Since my dorm room was around 10 minutes away from the campus and I didn't want to be late, I just carelessly tossed my phone to my dresser, begrudgingly got up from my bed and ran my way over to class. When I arrived, Keana immediately called me to sit beside her. I smiled at her and walked over to where she was sitting. As I was walking over to her, Normani and her group of minions caught my attention. Then I saw her.. There she is again... Banana girl is here. As if on cue, she spun around and caught me staring but she quickly looked away. Honestly, she looked afraid, and after our last encounter, I can't blame her. I probably scarred the poor girl for life.

Our PE teacher, Mr. Lopez, then began barking out instructions for today's activities. We were to be grouped in 5. He was assigning the groups in order for us to all be more acquainted with each other. Keana was already called in a group, and I was still there sitting and waiting for my name to be called. A couple of names after, I was called. I stood awkwardly on the middle of the court, waiting for my group mates. After a few minutes, Normani and 3 of her friends approached me. She's here. Oh shit. BANANA GIRL IS HERE. WE ARE GROUPED TOGETHER! OH GOD SHE IS PRETTY. HER EYES ARE SO ROUND AND BROWN AND HER BODY IS TO DIE FOR AND OH GOSH THOSE LIPS I WOULD GIVE EVERYTHING TO--- okayyy stop. okay hold up, Lauren, you're acting weird. They're approaching you. Chill out. Chill out!

"Hey, Lauren, right?" Normani asked when she finally got close to me,

"Yes," I timidly answered with a smile. Camila is here. Oh my god.

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