Chapter 4

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This chapter turned out so weird I'm sorry.

Note: This chapter is from Newt's 3rd person POV, then later on from Mollie's 3rd person POV!


Newt woke up to shouting outside his room at the med-jacks. Wait. Why am I here again? Then he remembered. He had been running, and had cut himself on the edge of a wall. He had turned the corner too sharply, resulting in his head injury. Mollie. Mollie had saved him, Newt remembered. Where was she? Just as he thought that, Clint burst in the room followed by Gally and Alby carrying... Mollie?

"What happened to her?" Newt asked. Mollie looked awful, and her left leg was twisted at a weird angle. He really didn't want her to die, he was actually kinda fond of her. Gally set her down on the other bed in the room. Alby was asking Gally how it happened, they were both confused as to why Mollie was in the Deadheads in the first place.

"So... you just called her name and she was in the tree? Then, she fell out, supposedly startled when you called her name." Alby said.

"That's exactly what happened shank! How many times do I have to repeat it to you? I need her to be okay I..." Gally said. He finally shook his head and walked briskly out of the room. Alby followed him out of the room, presumably to cool him down.

"Hey Newt, will you hand me the bottle next to you there?" Clint asked. Newt gave Clint the bottle just as Jeff rushed in. They both fixed Mollie's leg as best they could. While they were attending to Mollie's other injuries, Newt asked, "Will she be okay?"

"She'll have a permanent limp for sure." Jeff replied. "Other than that, she'll be fine. It might be a couple days before she wakes up though. Her head went through a lot of trauma when she fell out of the tree."

No. Mollie didn't deserve this. Newt thought. He looked at her peaceful, sleeping form. I hope you wake up soon.


Mollie woke up to find herself in a white room. Judging on the light filtering through the window, it was about 8:00 in the morning. She saw a younger version of herself, maybe 7 or 8, jump out of bed and Mollie realized this must be her room. This must be another memory, Mollie thought. One thought danced across her mind. Christmas. It's Christmas Day. Wait what is Christmas?

Mollie followed her younger self through a maze of identical white hallways. How did my younger self not get lost? Mollie entered a room that was warmly decorated, in stark contrast to all the white that laid beyond it. In the room was a green tree with many decorations on it. A few carefully wrapped presents sat at the base of the tree.

"Auntie!" young Mollie cried. Mollie felt feelings of pleasure and love wash over her. So this was my aunt. She was the same one that sent me into the Maze! How could she?

"Mollie! It's so good to see you again. Ready to open your presents?" her aunt said.

Her younger self didn't hesitate to open the first gift. Inside was a little locket with a heart on it. Mollie gasped, That was the locket that came up with me! Her aunt said, "To open the locket, you must use the key. Find a special spot for the key, it's one of a kind."

Her younger self squealed with joy as she opened the locket. Inside was a picture of Mollie on one side, and her aunt's picture took up the other side. "Thank you Auntie Paige. I love it. I'll keep the key in a special place." The other presents she got were a fluffy blanket, and a... badge?

"What is this Auntie?" Mollie's younger self asked.

"It's a key badge, like the one I have. I believe you are responsible enough to have one. It'll let you into sections A and D, so you can visit me." her aunt replied. Her younger self looked a little disappointed with that answer.

"Why can't I go into section C yet? I want to meet the Subjects."

"I can arrange that if you would like that. You were originally supposed to meet them when you were 10, but I don't see why you can't. After all, you'll be in charge of them soon."

Mist started to swirl in front of Mollie's vision, blocking her off from the rest of the memory. She turned around to find herself looking at a 13 year old girl. That's me. she realized. I look so different. Her younger self was coldly scolding some of the...Test Subjects. What are test Subjects?

Her former self called to the guard outside the room. "Take him." She pointed at Alby. "He's to be sent in tomorrow, and I need to get him prepped." Alby looked at her, and screamed, "No! Not me! I don't want to go in I... don't want to forget."

Mollie's younger self said coldly, "Take him. Now. I have a strict schedule to keep." Mollie gasped, How could I have done this to them? I must have been forced. I would never work with the people who put us here... I'd never betray Gally.

The rest of the boys in the room stared at her, unblinking. Gally looked her younger self straight in the eye, "I expected better of you Mollie. How can you work with them? How could you do this to me? To them?"A wave of guilt washed over her. Bits of information crowded into Mollie's thoughts. Gally and her had been separated at age 10. Mollie decided to work with WICKED, while Gally chose to be against them. She was assistant director of the Maze trials she created.

Wait...I created this? I made the Grievers. I selected the Subjects? Was I some sort of torturing freak before I lost my memory? I did this. With Thomas and Teresa, her head whispered. It's not all your fault. Mollie looked back to the memory playing before her.

"I'm sorry Gally, but it's my choice."

Newt spoke up, "You're nothing but their pawn. They don't care about you, we sure don't care about you, no one cares." The other boys nodded in agreement. Mollie's younger self seemed on the verge of tears as she thought, Why am I doing this? For the Cure, for Auntie. Auntie has done a lot for me, so now I'm doing this for her. She shook Newt's comment off and led Alby out of the room, and down the hall.

They entered another room, and Mollie said, "Step in the circle." Alby did as he was told, mouthing, 'I will never forget this' Mollie laughed evilly, "Oh yes you will!" She pressed a button and a glass tube shot from the ceiling, trapping Alby in it. The tube began to fill with water, and Alby began to shout, "Let me out!" Mollie simply pushed another button which injected something blue in the tank, tinting the water. Mollie took notes as Alby slowly drowned. When he stopped struggling, Mollie's younger self pushed a button and the water was gone.

Alby had collapsed to the floor, gasping. "Now time for the Box!" Mollie said cheerfully. Mollie followed them as her younger self walked down the hall with Alby. She just now noticed what she was wearing, a white lab coat with a badge. That's the badge my aunt gave me, Mollie thought. Her younger self put Alby in the Box and shot Alby with the Memory Erasing Serum."

Her younger self walked away as the doors to the Box closed. The memory snapped to an office. This is Ava Paige's office, her mind whispered to her. Mollie watched as she approached her aunt.

"Insertion No.1 complete, and it was a success. The monitoring team is now on duty." Her younger self boasted with a hint of pride.

"Very good work Mollie." Her aunt replied.

Mollie watched appalled at what she had just seen, as the memory faded to black. She couldn't see anything, and she couldn't move. What's happening?

AN: Sorry if you're confused! For clarification, Mollie worked with WICKED, but when she was older(like 15), after Gally was sent into the Maze, she began to question them. Eventually, she didn't want to work with them anymore, but then they sent her into the Maze.

Do you guys like it so far? Leave a comment! I want to know what you think! I added some Christmas in there since it's Christmastime!

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