Hero Soaked in Blood

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Yoooo guess whose back? I said in the author's note last time that I'd update next week which makes me a horrible liar ;( this is probably going to be a short chapter and tbh a bit of a filler because I've only just started writing again. Not sure if anyone will still read this but oh well...


I hit the wall of the house, I feel my lungs collapse, the breath that I was holding forces itself out between my lips.

A sob racks through my body as my knees give out, sliding down the wall.

I feel fresh tears leak from my eyes and paint my cheeks.

They're surrounding me, my breathing accelerates, I close my eyes I hope it won't be painful.

I can practically smell their death soaked presence.

A bony hand clamps onto my shoulder.

The smell of rot is intoxicating.

I peek out just as the girl leans closer mouth open, ready to rip me to shreds.


The next thing I know the top of the girl's head lands on my lap, rotten blood squirms out to find its home on my jeans. Hiding beneath the thick fabric, pooling onto my bare skin below it. Well that's strange for sure, pretty sure zombies dint just die like that right? Of course not you boob.

I finally detach my eyes from the creature on my lap and look up to find Alex slicing up zombies like he was on master chef. Didn't help that he was using the kitchen knife I dropped... Wow never thought someone killing zombies would be hot... Okay shut the fuck up miles, THINK NORMAL THOUGHTS.

The slightly deader than before bodies started to pile up around him. I could only stare at his shadowy form peeking through the few zombies left standing. Despite being only a kitchen knife it cut through flesh and bone surprisingly easily showing off Flayed muscle fibres at the cuts inception. The rotten skin was pushing itself out the way, almost as if the blade was Moses. I was strangely fascinated by the creatures that were trying to eat me moments before; they're shambling bodies dressed in a suit of rotting flesh and scraps of torn material that was once clothes, it makes them almost pitiful. I mean come on I'm not going to completely pity them! They nearly had me as their afternoon snack!

The last zombie dropped to the ground squirting its gooey old blood through fresh new wounds. As it fell it revealed Alex standing behind it surrounded by a sea of rotting dead flesh.


We were just staring at each other, I was captured by his sea blue orbs, drowning in its colour. It felt like any minute now the EastEnders theme tune would sound signalling the end of the episode. He slowly walked towards me as if I was a wild animal, something that would scatter if he made a wrong move. Kneeling beside me he brushed my fringe out of my eyes and spoke one word softly.


His command broke me out of my daze and I realised my lungs were screeching inside of me begging air. I breathe in the cold air feeling it pass through my lips and rush to my lungs, replenishing them with fresh oxygen. I must've stopped breathing after the head fell on my lap, probably snapped me out of my panic attack from moments before and scared my lungs into silence. Alex flopped his head down on my shoulder, his hair tickling my neck as I desperately tried to replenish my deprived oxygen levels.

"For Christ sake miles you scared me! Who told you it was a good idea to go outside!"

His words entered through my ears and shook me up, and not in the good way either. It made me snap.

"Well maybe I told myself it was a good idea!! I'm not a child, I'm perfectly capable!! Not my fault you decided to make a hole in my fence!"

Okay now I got that out I felt better, whoop way to go miles! You angry beast, you totally teared him apart with your scary words. He is soooo scared of you now and won't mess with you ever again (sarcasm).


"No you know what? I'm eating all the ice cream!! There I said it! No ice cream for you!" I joked, well now thinking about it ice cream is not a matter to joke about.

Wow I just realised how obsessed I am with ice cream... too bad there's no rehab in the apocalypse. Thankfully Alex catches on to the joke as a glint appeared in his hot... No I mean gorgeous... For fucks sake, there's now a glint in his drool worthy... okay I give up there's a glint in his eyes that's all you need to know!

"No you can't! Ice cream is essential for survival please Alex please don't I'll do anything! I'll give you a piggy back inside?"

"Why yes my kind steed, giddy up"

Jumping on his back I start to feel a bit like a gay knight, I mean a totally straight and not in the slightest homosexual knight. Oh god I just realised how immature we are... Before we venture into the place known most communally as a house Alex attempts to fix the hole in the fence while I'm on his back. I remember I'm supposed to be distancing myself from him, not acting like I've known him for years. It's not that hard though, it's his eyes they draw you in and embrace you. I think too much about his eyes, it's starting to get unhealthy; maybe I convince him to wear sunglasses so I can shut up about them?

Job completed we return inside greeting a dazed looking Katie. Alex lets me unload myself on her back only to find that she's still staring.

"Are you a monkey now Miley? Please don't tell me that you're turning into a monkey, I like you as a boy and monkeys are smelly"

I look towards Alex so he could explain what was going on.

"Katie, miles is not a monkey, he's a cute nice smelling boy, I'm only giving him a piggyback because for some reason he seems to think I'm a horse"

Okay, OKAY! I may or may not have selective hearing but did Alex just call me cute? Again?! I am not cute! I'm a hot sexy manly guy! I refuse to be called cute, what a horrible word it should be banished from his lips! ... Speaking of lips, Alex has them.... Omg everyone has them you big boob!

Even though that's what my brain was thinking my body seemed to have a different mind altogether. I was blushing head to toe! Urgh it's so embarrassing, toes can't even blush!! ...or can they...?

I kind of wish that we still had internet because I actually want to know the answer to that now.

"Damn, who set you on fire miles?" Alex assaulted me with a wink along with those very words, snapping me from my thoughts. I swear he never stops!!

Ignoring him I venture to the window so I could keep watch. Despite what happened today and the fact that Alex infuriates me in many ways I feel a surge of hope. Maybe it's all going to be okay now, Alex can protect us and maybe I can stop being a pathetic wimp and learn how to help fight as well. Together we can protect our hide out, I don't think zombies would be attacking us for a while, were safe.

Or so I thought, the next day turned out to prove me very wrong, I now regret being so naive.

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