Battle of fear

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Since I can remember I've always been weirdly attracted to guys... Not that it means anything I must be just really attracted to boyish girls and get confused. Obviously...? As I am pretty sure I am not gay. I mean, if I was that would be weird and unnatural. It's just not right! I can't be gay! EspeciallynotforaguythatI'vejustmet! 

I slowly relieve myself from the tornado of thoughts that are currently swirling around my mind by opening my eyes, fighting off the temptation of more sleep trying to drag my eyelids shut. Sunlight grabs at my vision making me wince in pain, I'm regretting my decision to wake already. It took a while to register my surroundings as I am used to the dark shadows of the attic, I haven't slept in a proper bed since the day it all went wrong. As my eyes adjusted to the light they greeted the same blue eyes that stole my ice-cream the day before. A nervous panic overtook me, I'm not used to the overwhelming close presence of another beating heart. 

I can feel the ever betraying blush announce it's presence upon my cheeks. 

He is so creepy! He must have been watching me in my sleep! Before I went to sleep he was at the other side of the lounge keeping watch! 

"Good morning, little miss sunshine" 

I could feel the breath used for every word brush gently across my face, caressing my cheeks. At the rate this is going, I might as well paint my entire face red! ... I think I might have a problem, I mean, it can't be natural to blush this much. 

So I decided to ignore him, as I am too afraid that I will stutter or say something stupid. I don't want him to laugh at me anymore than he already has. 

With a loud, and probably way over exaggerated, sigh I turned away, almost rolling over Katie, 

 who shifted in her sleep and snuggled closer to me mumbling in some kind of strange sleep language, chuckling softly I sat up, accidentally glancing over at Alex who was intensely staring at us. Talk about creepy! I whipped my head back towards Katie. 

Aw wow Katie has to be the cutest thing in the world! After I fed the two of them she even started to call me... Okay so I am definitely not happy that she's now calling me mummy... I AM NOT A GIRL!... But I suppose I could let it go... Maybe... You know what? If she keeps calling me it I'll be fine with my manhood, as long as Alex the eye-raper doesn't join in. 

 .  .  . 

When I was fully awake I decided to check the perimeter of the house, luckily my Nan's house is surrounded by a high gothic black fence so it offers some sort of sanctuary but the problem is, how the hell did Alex and Katie get in?! 

I didn't tell them I left I kinda just assumed that they'd be fine and it's not like I need their help, I'm perfectly fine by myself thank you very much! I have kind of distanced myself from Alex and I haven't talked to him much, so telling him I was going outside would be awkward. My only protection is a kitchen knife since it's pretty hard to come across a gun in England, well at least in my area. It's not like those movies where pretty much every single survivor has a gun. Even if I did stumble across a gun I'd have no idea how to use it, I'd probably end up killing myself before I even got close to a zombie! 

Sure enough it was as I expected a dozen decaying human shuffled into my line of vision. 

They were gathering around in a small circle like some kind of team pep talk before a netball match. Through the shamble of corpses I could see a hole in the fence. 

shitshitshitshitfuckityfuckfuck I'm going to die. I mean, I was maybe expecting at least one! Not this much! I can't do it! I'm going to die! I cant die now, I've survived longer than I expected I would!  

I could feel my chest getting tight, it's getting hard to breathe. I can't do this! I can feel my heart accelerate, shaking my entire body. My muscles tense as I slowly back away. The panic is clouding my senses, I'm finding it hard to hear over the thoughts speeding through my mind. I can't properly process what's happening until it's too late.   

The knife slips out of my sweat slicked hands.  

I see it falling in slow motion, I do nothing to stop it, just stand there pathetically as the knife hits the ground. The clatter pierces through the hazy silence. My breathing stops. I slowly bring my head up just in time to see 12 rotting heads swivel towards me. 24 soulless eyes stare back. 

 They advance. I walk backwards, stupidly forgetting to pick up the knife.  

The closest one is a girl. For fucks sake she's only looks about 14!  Her makeup is smeared across her face, half hidden my the maggots feasting on her cheeks. Blood slowly oozing in clumps out of the hole in her neck that looks like it was ripped out savagely by human teeth. She's dragging her one of her legs along, a yellowish blood covered bone jutting out of it,  Her clothes offer little coverage as they are ripped and what once was what I presumed is a hello kitty crop top now looks like filthy tattered cloth covering her chest.  She smiles as she and the others get closer, scraps of human skin poke out between her yellow teeth. Her sinister grin doesn't slip from her face as they advance closer, I'm surprised she even remembers how to smile. She knows she's getting her prey. She can probably smell my weakness. 

I hit the wall of the house, I feel my lungs collapse, the breath that I was holding forces itself out between my lips. A sob racks through my body as my knees give out, sliding down the wall. I feel fresh tears leak from my eyes and paint my cheeks. They're surrounding me, my breathing accelerates, closing my eyes I hope it wont be painful. I can practically smell their death soaked presence. 

A bony hand clamps onto my shoulder. The smell of rot is intoxicating. I peek out just as the girl leans closer mouth open, ready to rip me to shreds. 


Sorry guys for the late update, that's if you actually care but oh well:) I trying to do this in the middle of exams and revision and I don't have much time. 

I think I'm probably going to fast with this, please tell me if I've done something wrong, it will be apreciated:) I did rush this chapter but I want to update so you will have to put up with this:L 

Probably should've proofread this:/ I always get the tenses mixed up 

As always I'm sorry for the bad spelling and grammar and the overused exclamation marks:) xx

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