Zombie ice-cream thief

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Two months after infection 

Moaning and thumping noises echo up from downstairs and grab at my ears, dancing around my brain. The shadows in the attic seem to reach for me only being held back by my saviour, the light bulb. I hear the zombies advance into the kitchen.

 Their moans grow into a crescendo of noise, sounding suspiciously like the whoops of a child. “Ice-cream!” it shouts. Wait a minute; did I just hear that right?! Have they run out of brains to nibble on and decided to turn to ice cream instead?! This can’t be right! The world is ending and zombies are eating ice cream! 

 I open the attic hatch and climb down the ladder making my way down the stairs to the kitchen in ninja style. Peeking around the door I spot their shadowy forms raiding my freezer, devouring my favourite box of vanilla ice-cream. My mind freezes leaving my feet stuck to the laminate floor, the loss is just too great for me to take. Especially since I was saving it for later.  

 As I begin to creep away the worst thing that could probably happen at that moment happens, a huge ferocious growl that shakes the whole house roars in rage, my stomach is rumbling. 

 The noise from the kitchen stops, a hand grabs my shoulder and the highest pitched, girlish scream jumps out of my mouth. So sue me, I scream like a girl, at least the zombie won’t try to insult me. I’d more likely die from being eaten than from embarrassment.  

 Zombie, Miles, zombie, focus on the zombie! You’re about to be made into a human burger!  

 I slowly turn around, hoping that I wasn't on the menu tonight. A toothy grin greets my eyes and as I look up I lose myself in his twinkling blue eyes. He is so hot... oh god! I have just called a GUY hot! And a zombie guy at that! I. Am. Not. Gay!  

 Before I could run away a demonic giggle comes from the kitchen followed by a small girl zombie , she launches herself at me while I hide behind my arms and scream “Please don’t eat me!” 

 Silence. I am counting my heartbeats, waiting for my life and the horror to end. Please let it be quick. The deafening silence floods the room until I feel like it has taken all the air I have left to breathe. That is until laughter fills the air causing me to be even more scared. The boy zombie stops a smirk attached to his face. 

  “We’re not zombies so don’t worry, I don’t bite... much” as he says that last bit his tongue darts out of his mouth and slowly licks his bottom lip, I blush. Stop blushing! Urgh! I’m acting like a girl! 

 He steps closer to me so I can feel his warm breath on my face, whispering softly, “I’m Alex and this is my little sister Katie. You are?” 


 "You’re the first survivor I've seen in a long time! How long have you been here?" 

 "Umm... I've kinda been here since this mess started to be honest... it was my nan's house..." 

 Suddenly without any warning I am pounced on as I feel Alex's arms wrap around my body, holding me close, I tense up. Oh great, now I look like a tomato, maybe he won’t notice? I hope to whatever god is left that he won't notice me blushing!  

 He pulls away from the hug, smirks at me and  then winks before walking away, alerting me to the fact that he has noticed. I hate people like him, people who think they have the power to do anything they please annoy me the most. I mean who does he think he is?! He's just pretending to flirt with me to annoy me!! 

 “Hey Katie! What time is it?”

 “Ice-cream time!”   

 I stare after them, dumbfounded, surprised that these people walking away from me are alive and are not a product of my imagination. I can't believe the nerve of that guy though! He's so full of himself, shamefully pretending to flirt with me and in front of his little sister too! At least I know that I have no romantic feelings towards other guys so his little act has no effect on me.  

 I gather up all the courage I have left, I can't let these complete strangers waltz into my house and eat all of my ice-cream!  

 "Stop right there! And back away from the ice-cream!" I shout.  

 Ha! That made them stop! As I glance at Katie I'm filled with guilt as her eyes start to fill with tears. 

 "What's the big deal? We've been living outside with those things and barely staying alive while you been in the warm, with tons of food and lazing around on your cute butt!" 

 Blush bloomed on my cheeks at the last part but my expression instantly changed when I greeted his eyes made of steel. Alex's face was painted with anger that reached every nook and cranny but there was some other expression lurking in his features, his eyes were tinted with desperation, the desperation to survive. But then his face was wiped free of expression so smoothly that it was almost like his features have never shown such anger. He just... he just looked so calm. 

 "Look, I just want to keep me and my sister alive, okay? So if it means that you have to sacrifice your ice-cream then so be it." He explained while giving me the puppy dog eyes. 

 "F-fine! Have it your way! But if you're really that hungry then I could give you and your sister some bread instead." 

 Before I could finish my sentence He launches himself at me, causing me to instantly regret my decision. Ermagawd! He's actually hugging me again! How awkward is he planning to make me?! He needs to get off me! Before he realises how flushed my face is getting! Again! ...not that it has any deep meaning to it! I'm only blushing because I am feeling embarrassed for him, not because I like him or anything! For god's sake, why would I?! How desperate do you think I am?! 

 Thankfully he gets off me when he gets distracted by his sister laughing because she has eaten all of his portion of the ice-cream while he was hugging me. 

 Great so now I'm stuck with a big flirt and an ice-cream thief! How could my apocalyptic life get any worse!  


 Hi :D Thanks for reading! This is practically the first ever story I have written and it's also the first boyxboy I've written so please don't judge me too hard! :3 Sorry about my crap spelling and grammar :) Byeeeeee ;3 xx 

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