Fall- Mangaquestshipping

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Hello, a new oneshot is finally up! So sorry for the wait. On the bright side though, thanks to all the new readers! Seeing the reads, votes and comments increase really makes me smile :) There is also some admin stuff at the bottom, I'd appreciate it if you checked it out because I'm trying to improve this oneshots book ^-^ (Of course, the image and characters belong to their respective creators, while the plot, storyline and creative elements etc. belong to me.)

This is probably the shortest oneshot I've written so far but the angst is intact :D It's more of a foray into metaphors and such-- not very good, but I hope you all like it.

Dedicated to izayoix, the best twinsie ever (that's literally the best description I can give). Thanks for all the support, and remember that you're a great person <3


{there were many different types of love; theirs was the kind that was doomed from the start}


They weren't a 'forever' thing. Right from the start, from the very first kiss, he knew they had an expiry date. Back then, it'd seemed so far away.

Now that it had reached, the one summer they'd spent together felt like a split second. All that was left of her was an aching pain and an empty hole in his chest.

They had been careless, too careless. It was the first time they'd loved so passionately; they wore their hearts on their sleeves with reckless abandon, not caring who saw it there. They thought they could overcome anything that stood in their way, after the agonising months spent dancing around and hiding feelings.

But now? What was the aftermath? She was the smart one, the proper one, but even she didn't foresee this outcome. Her bags were packed, out on the front porch, a reminder of the fragility that was their tentative love. (Yet, he knew he would find some forgotten item or the other, if he bothered to check the guest room.)

He breathes in a deep, shuddering breath, as her sleek white car rolls into view, forgetting to breathe out as her slender figure slides out of the drivers' seat. Numbly, he helps her load the luggage into the back, careful not to let their fingers brush.

Once upon a time, he would've purposely touched her hand, just to elicit a blush from her. That was while the leaves were still green and fresh, while the flowers were all brilliant hues in every shade of the rainbow.

The leaves are bleeding scarlet now, tinged with a dead brown and crowned with an ugly, wan gold. The flowers that they planted together are but remnants of what they used to be, and the only thing that hasn't dulled are the sharp thorns decorating it.

He wants to make her stay, he really does; but he knows he can't. Her eyes are crystal-clear, and she knows what she wants, she has plans. They do not include him, and maybe that was why a summer was all they had. But... just for old times' sake...

He pulls her close, her petite self fitting perfectly against his body. He looks her deep in the eye, reveals his desperation and pain and anger and sadness and heartbreak and love.


Then he hugs her hard, and, for just one moment, he feels her hugging back. He feels her melting into her touch, folding into him, loving him back-

And she pulls away. In that moment, he knows he's lost her- or maybe she was never his to begin with.

Maybe she was only his to borrow to take care of his heart for a while, and the return date was autumn.

The problem is, she ended up keeping his heart permanently.


{i don't think i'll be able to forget you... not even when the next summer starts}


From the start, she knew that they wouldn't last. All the signs were pointing to a whirlwind romance, and she was not disappointed. (Which only made her all the more disappointed.)

One summer was all they had. In just three months, she managed to lose herself in the warmth and contentment and vibrance. But the second the cold autumn winds called, she was pulled back to reality.

It was just a daydream, the lush fields, the emerald forests. He was the catalyst, bringing her fairytales to life. But fairytales don't always have happy endings, as she soon learnt. Everything eventually lost the colour brought out by the golden sheen of the sun.

That was how she found herself in her Volkswagen, driving to collect her things after they'd ended it. That was how she found herself unable to look into his eyes, unable to revel in the darkness autumn had brought there.

She was unable to meet his gaze, ashamed of the calculating brutality in her eyes that had always been there, all along.

It took one word to unravel her. And then she found himself locked in the embrace her self had missed so much, an embrace her mind rejected.

And in a moment of weakness- She lets herself fall into him, lets her her arms hug him, lets her actions show him just how much she needed him. Then her control returns; she pushes him away.

The comfortable warmth was replaced by a cold hardness that bit at her, screamed at her, tore her to pieces.

"I'm sorry."

And she was. She breathed in deeply, inhaling the familiar smell of cologne and summer breeze to store up for the days when she felt empty and numb. For once, she didn't let the bitter tang of autumn cloud her emotions.

It was the push she needed to say goodbye to him- for her own good, and for his. They couldn't be together- it would destroy the both of them. They were too different.

Maybe, all along, he had been summer and she had been autumn. She had been the one choking him and he had been the one ruining her. Maybe some things just weren't meant to be.

But maybe, a time would come when he had cooled down and she had warmed up. Maybe, just maybe, they could be together one day without breaking each other.

And until then, she would borrow his heart to keep it safe, and she would place her heart in his beautiful hands.


{maybe next summer... we could start again?}




So... here is the admin stuff. To put it this way, the formatting of all the oneshots in this book is... not really standardised. For example, the 'dividers' I use to distinguish one section from another is something that constantly changes, depending on the story.

I was just wondering if it bothers anyone, seeing as most people have a standardised format for their books. So please do tell me your opinion in this paragraph! I'll change according to the majority vote. Thank you! ^-^

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