Chapter 3

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Some kids grow up hearing lame lullabies and stupid flowery fairy tales. But on this island, it's always been about "long live evil."

On the Isle of the Lost, Mal spray-painted a battered city wall. With her purple hair, leather jacket with a decal of 2 dragons on the back, and tough-as-nails boots, Mal had trouble written all over her - which was precisely what she was going for. The bilious green spray paint spelled out Long Live Evil. Mal holstered her paint can, reveled in her work, and stepped into the bustling marketplace, where she was quickly swept up in the throng and blended into the sea of haggard, worn faces. Jay, son of Jafar, watched Mal vanish into the crowd as he looked out over the bazaar from the rooftop of a nearby building. Oozing confidence, he had long dark hair and biceps that bulged out of his leather vest. He smiled. His eyes glinted dangerously. In several cobra-like moves, Jay leaped and slid down a rusty ladder from the rooftop. Those who knew of Jay would say he was dirty, no good, bad to the bone. Evie, daughter of Evil Queen, spotted Jay making his way toward the street and returned to strutting across a table, where disheveled urchins were trying to eat. They ogled Evie's dazzling smile, dark wavy hair, and hypnotizing eyes. She wore all blue, with a necklace that had a red gem topped by a gold crown. She carried a red box-shaped purse. She was a natural beauty, but it was hard to tell under all the makeup. Her mom had taught her that looks were everything. She glanced around to see Jay was gone. Carlos, son of Cruella De Vil, spied Evie as he climbed out of a window and stepped into the rowdy street. Carlos was a skinny teen with white hair and black roots, and he was all decked out in a red, white, and black leather jacket and boots. As he walked through the the bazaar, he stole a handkerchief and then swiped an apple. Villagers considered him a callous lowlife. And he loved them for it. Evie and Mal emerged from a back alley. Carlos raced up to them as Jay leaped down from a building to join them. The 4 friends were united once again. They slid aside a chain-link gate and marched from warehouse to warehouse. They ran through clothes hanging on lines and banged old washing basins. Mal spray-painted an M onto a shower curtain. Jay stole a teapot. Evie flirted with a merchant. Carlos kicked over a food basket. As they stomped out onto the filthy street, the friends struck fear and respect into the hearts of the street hawkers, pickpockets, and scam artists. The 4 teens were truly rotten to the core. Mal snatched a lollipop out of a child's hand, and it began to cry. She held up the lollipop triumphantly. Mal's friends laughed. They were pleased with her stunt. Suddenly, a shadow loomed in their path, and all the merchants scampered away, hiding in their shops. It could only mean one thing. Henchmen appeared and cleared the way to make room for Her Royal Wickedness, Maleficent, Mistress of Evil. Her horns were wrapped in leather, and she carried a scepter, her eyes flashing green. "Hi, Mom," said Mal with a mischievous smile. "Stealing candy, Mal?" said Maleficent. "I'm so disappointed." Mal scrunched up her face. "It was from a baby," she said cheerily, holding out the lollipop. Mal's friends laughed again at just how very mean she could be. Maleficent smiled. "That's my nastily little girl!" She snatched the lollipop from Mal's hand, spit on it, clamped it in her armpit, and handed it to one of her henchmen. "Give it back to the dreadful creature," Maleficent said, eyes gleaming. "Mom . . . " Mal said, annoyed at how her mom always had to one-up her. The henchman trotted off to return the lollipop to the mother of the baby. "It's the deets, Mal, that make the difference between mean and truly evil," said Maleficent. She smiled and waved to the grateful mother. She looked back at Mal. "When I was your age, I was cursing entire kingdoms." She gestured grandly. Mal mouthed along: "Cursing entire kingdoms!" She rolled her eyes. "Walk with me," said Maleficent, putting her hand on her daughter's shoulder and guiding her forward. "See, I'm just trying to teach you the thing that really counts: how to be me." "I know that," said Mal, nodding, "and I'll do better." "Oh! There's news," said Maleficent, whipping around. "I buried the lede!" She pointed at Mal and her friends. "You 4 have been chosen to go to a different school. In Auradon." At these words,  Evie, Jay, and Carlos made a bolt, only to be snatched up by Maleficent's henchmen. Mal gawked at her mom, eyes widening. Her friends stopped struggling against their captors. "What?" said Mal . "Mom, you have to be joking." "Nope!" said Maleficent. "You'll be joining the bastion of privilege and exclusivity of . . . Auradon Prep." The words left a sour-apple taste in her mouth. "Mom! I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses!" said Mal. "And lerfect princes!" said Evie dreamily as she stepped beside Mal. Mal glared at her. Evie's smile vanished. "Ugh!" she said, feigning a look of disgust. "I don't do uniforms," said Jay. " Unless it's leather. You feelin' me?" He grinned and tried to high-five a terrified Carlos , who stepped toward Maleficent. "I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon," Carlos said. "Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave." He gulped, unblinking. Jay snuck up to Carlos and barked in his ear. Carlos jumped back and Jay laughed. "Yeah, Mom, we're not going," said Mal matter of-factly. "You're thinking small, pumpkin," said Maleficent. "It's all about world domination!" She licked her lips. Then she turned to her henchmen. "Knuckleheads!" She turned on her heel, sweeping her cloak, and took off down the empty street, flanked by her devoted thugs. "Mal!" she sang over her shoulder, beckoning her daughter forth. Mal and her friends exchanged glances and followed Maleficent.

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