Chapter 4

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World domination? Of course. It's all mom ever talks about. That . . . and revenge. Typical evil old mom. Well, here we go!

Maleficent's tenement apartment sat directly above Bargain Castle. It was dark, dusty, and dirty - just to Maleficent's liking. The colored windowpanes were mismatched and blocked out the sun. Lights in green crystals swayed from the high ceiling. The whole foul place smelled of sulfur. Maleficent, filing her nails, was seated in her tall green throne chair with her feet propped up. Mal and her 3 friends and their 3 parents sat around the apartment, waiting for Maleficent to explain why she had to summoned all of them. the villains had seen better days. Cruella, with her wild black-and-white hair, wore a ratty, nearly bald black-and-white dog fur coat, which sported a bejeweled stuffed toy Dalmatian head next to her neck. She stroked it lovingly as if it were alive. Jafar, with his trademark mustache and goatee, was rocking a potbelly, a comb-over and puffy Sansabelt pants. Evil Queen, a former beauty, pulled at her cosmetically altered face and stared into a mirror. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos feared their parents nonetheless. "You will go," Maleficent commanded the teens. "You will find the Fairy Godmother and you will bring me back her magic wand." She blew on her nails. "Easy peasy." "What's in it for us?" asked Mal. "Matching thrones," said Maleficent. "Hers and hers crowns." Carlos gestured to his friends. "Um, I - I think she meant us." Ignoring him, Maleficent tossed her nail file over shoulder, stood, and beckoned Mal to her. "It's all about you and me, baby," she said, leaning in close to Mal. "Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" "Well, yeah! I mean, who doesn't?" said Mal. "Well, then get me that wand! And you and I can see all that and so much more!" said Maleficent. "And with that wand and my scepter" - she held up her arms - "I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" Evil Queen lowered her mirror. "Our will," she said. Cruella pointed at Evil Queen and nodded. "Our will, our will," Maleficent said, trying to save face. She looked at Mal. "And if you refuse,  you're grounded for the rest of your life, missy," she said firmly. "What?" cried Mal, distressed. "Mom!" Maleficent stared into Her daughter's eyes. Mal stared right back at her. The stare intensified. It was a test of power and focus. Mal and her mom did this every so often. Maleficent always won. Mal tore away her gaze. "Fine, whatever," Mal said. "I won," said Maleficent. "Malef, relax," said Evil Queen. "You're going to pop a vein and that is a look no one can rock." Cruella cackled. "Did her face just move?" Maleficent asked Cruella , pointing at Evil Queen. Cruella used her thumb and forefinger to indicate "a little bit." "Someone alert the media!" said Maleficent. "Hilarious," said Evil Queen sarcastically. "Evie! My little Evil-ette in training."  Evie ran over and sat obediently across the table from her mother. "You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing," said Evil Queen. "And lots and lots of mirrors," said Evie and her mom in unison. Evie beamed and clasped her hands. "No laughing," her mother told her. "Wrinkles." Evie's  smile vanished and she pouted. Maleficent looked at them and sighed. "Well, they're not taking my Carlos," said Cruella, caressing her son's head. "I'd miss him too much." "Really, Mom?" Asked Carlos. "Yes!" Cruella said. "Who would touch up my roots? Fluff my fur and scrape my bunions  off my feet ?" She kicked up a leg and Carlos caught her foot in his hand.  He looked miserable. "Maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing. . . ." "Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon!" said Cruella, stroking his cheek. Carlos looked petrified and shook his head. "Oh, no! I'm not going!" "Ugh, said Maleficent. "Jay's not going, either!" said Jafar. " "I need him to stock shelves in my store." He looked at his son. "What did you score?" he asked him. Jay laughed and pulled a variety of stolen trinkets - one of the last items being an old lamp - from his vest, sleeve cuffs, and boots and handed them over to Jafar. "A lamp!" Jafar grabbed it and rubbed it furiously. "Dad, I already tried," said Jay, shaking his head. "Well, Evie's not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow." Evil Queen eyed Evie, extracted a pair of tweezers, and approached her daughter's eyebrows. "Will it hurt?" asked Evie. "Beauty is pain, darling, beauty is pain," said Evil Queen as she plucked. Maleficent addressed the room. "Am I here? Was I speaking? What is wrong with you all? People used to cower at the mention of our names! For 20 years, I have searched for a way off this island." Evie began to pluck her mother's eyebrows. "Ouch!" said Evil Queen. "For 20 years," continued Maleficent, "they have robbed us of our revenge." "Ouch!" said Evil Queen as Evie kept plucking. "Revenge  on Snow Whit e and her horrible little men," Maleficent told Evil Queen. "Ouch . . ." said Evil Queen at Maleficent's words. Maleficent turned to Jafar. "Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated Genie!" Jafar shook his fists. Maleficent rounded on Cruella. "Revenge on every squeaky Dalmation that escaped your clutches." "Oh, but they didn't get Baby," said Cruella, stroking the stuffed toy dog head on her vest. "They didn't get the . . ." She wheezed maniacally. "They didn't get the Baby!" Jafar locked eyes with Maleficent. "I am with you!" Maleficent returned the stare. "Who are you?" she asked him. "Jafar? The grand tsar of Agrabah?" he said. "And I, Maleficent, the most evil eat of them all . . ." she said. "I will finally have my revenge on Sleeping Beauty and her relentless prince." She turned to her friends. "Villains! Our day has come." She turned to Evil Queen and nodded at Evie. "E.Q., give her the magic mirror." Evil Queen studied her brows in the shards of glass that used to be her magic mirror. "One minute, s'il vous plaît," said Evil Queen, angling her face and studying her reflection. "Now!" said Maleficent. "Oh, for badness' sake!" said Evil Queen. "World domination can wait another 30 seconds!" She handed her mirror to Evie. "This is your magic mirror?" asked Evie, sounding disappointed. "Well," said Evil Queen, "it ain't what it used to be. Then again, neither are we!"  She gestured to Maleficent, Cruella, and Jafar, and they laughed.  "It will help you find things."  Evie's face lit up. "Like a prince!" she said. "Like my waistline," said Evil Queen. "Like the magic wand! Hello!" said Maleficent. She looked thoughtful. "I need my book. My spell book. Ah! The safe!" She tried to open the old refrigerator in her kitchen. "I can't open it," she said .  "Someone help me! I need to get in! It's broken! I can't get in!"  Everyone looked on as she banged the refrigerator until, finally, Evil Queen pulled its handle and the door opened. Maleficent reached in and retrieved the book. "Ah! My spell book!" she said. "Come, come, darling, " she said to Mal. She lovingly stroked the book's brown leathery cover, which featured a gold embossed dragon.  "There she is!  It doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon."  She looked at Evil Queen.  "Remember when we were spreading evil and ruining lives?" asked Maleficent.  "Like it was yesterday," said Evil Queen. The two woman started to get teary-eyed. Maleficent spun to Mal. "And now, you will be making your own memories. . . ."  She offered the spell book to Mal, but before Mal could take it, she snatched it away. "By doing exactly as I tell you," she said, shoving the spell book into Mal's arms. "Door," Maleficent said to Evil Queen, gesturing to the door. A horn sounded from the street. "Let's get this party started!" said Jay. "Carlos! Come!" said Cruella. Evie checked herself out in her mirror. "Who is the fairest of them all?" Evil Queen asked her. "Me," said Evie. "Ugh!" said Evil Queen. "You," said Evie. "Yes!" said Evil Queen. "Let's go." Jafar pulled Jay aside for a private exchange. "Now recite our mantra." "There's no team in 'I,'" said Jay. Jafar smiled. "Run along. You're making me tear up!" As everyone filed out of the room, Maleficent threw open the doors and led Mal onto the balcony. They looked over the busy isle streets strung with lights and gazed across the sea. Auradon Prep could be seen nestled in the majestic green mountains. Mal couldn't believe that she'd be there, and so soon. "The future of the free world rests on your shoulders," said Maleficent. She set a hand on Mal's shoulder. "Don't blow it." She winked and disappeared inside. Mal lingered on the balcony, not taking her eyes off Auradon. She was afraid but also excited. She wondered if there was someone back on the isle looking back at her. "Mal!" her mother sang, beckoning her. Mal headed back inside, but not before giving the tiny dot that was Audadon Prep one last look. From below, the horn honked again, a reminder that is was time to depart.

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