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"See ya later k?" Justin said to me twirling my hair. "Yeah in 7 months." I complained. "It'll go by quick." He convinced but it didn't help. I rolled my eyes and asked,"Why can't I go with you?" "You know why Brittany. It's too risky, people can find out our secret, that we're dating." He said whispering the last few words. "I'll keep out of sight! I promise!" I begged. "The answer is no." He confirmed. "Ugh! Do you even love me?" I blurted out immediately regretting it. "Of course. I'm doing this because I love you." He said. I sighed and then looked at his eyes. He leaned in and kissed me. I crossed me arms and then he grabbed me into a hug and tickled me. Then his body guard yelled out to him saying its time to get a move on. We looked at each other and my stomach dropped. "I don't want you to go." I said with tears falling down my cheeks. He wiped them away and said,"It'll be alright." Then kissed me one last time. He pulled away and I kept my eyes closed hoping that this moment would last forever. "Bye." He said. I waved my fingers. He started walking away and right before he turned the corner I yelled,"Justin wait!" He turned around and then I ran into his arms one last time. "Be safe." I said. He kissed my head and said softly,"I will." Then he got on the bus. I watched it slowly drive out of sight. I sighed and then went home. I don't know what to do. Justin's tour is 7 months. He's going all around the world and I don't know how I'm gonna sleep at night knowing that he's across the world from me and when I'm going to sleep, he'll be waking up. And when I'm waking up, he'll be going to sleep. I lied on my bed and turned on music and thought of how Justin and I came to be 2 years ago.

It was the 3rd week of summer and I was having a rough start since my friends stabbed me in the back. And my best friend moved away the last week of school. I decided to go out shopping just to distract myself from everything. I went to the avenue of my city which was a really pretty place with cute shopping placed. I was about to head home but a store caught my eye. I walked in expecting not to find anything since I didn't see anyone here. I saw racks of shirts in the back of the store that were so cute. I walked back and then heard a ton of screams coming from outside. I looked back and then some guys slipped in and the manager locked the door locking the screaming girls out. What? What just happened. I looked at the boys and then recognized one. It was Justin Bieber. We met eyes and then I quickly looked away. I heard him walk over to me but I pretended that I didn't. "Hey." He said. I turned to him and smiled and said,"Hi." "Are you one of them?" He asked softly looking back at the girl banging on the window. I laughed and said,"No." He nodded and then said,"Looks like you're trapped." I rolled my eyes and said,"So?" "So you gotta stay here. With me." He said. I looked at him and he had a cheeky smile. I never liked Justin Bieber but now I'm kinda interested. I raised my eyebrows and said,"And you're not trapped?" He looked down and smiled. The store played songs and Just Give Me a Reason came on. "I love this song!" I blurted out. Justin smirked and then walked up to me and held his hand out and said,"May I?" I laughed and giggled,"You may." He pulled me close and wrapped his arms around my waist. We slow danced and the fans got louder. My heart was beating fast. He sang along to the song but I didn't because my voice is terrible. The song sadly ended. We laughed and then the police cleared out the fans and then Justin had to leave. He gave me a piece of paper with his number on it. I smiled as he disappeared into the screaming girls.

End of flashback

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