t h r e e

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2 months later

I woke up and then stretched and looked outside. It was rainy. I grabbed my laptop and opened it and then saw a new notification. I opened it and then saw a news story about Justin

Justin Bieber spotted with Victoria secret model after show

My stomach sank. She was gorgeous. They were holding hands walking into a hotel. I swallowed the lump in my throat and then grabbed my phone. I looked at the time. He's in California so it's 3 in the afternoon there. I dialed his number and took a deep breath and hit call. It rang. And rang. Aaand rang. And rang again. Then it stopped. The voicemail came on. I hung up and then closed my eyes trying to decide wether I should call again. But that would make me seem clingy and greedy. What if I call him again and he answers? I'll never know if I don't call him.
I dialed his number again and it rang. And rang, and rang. And on the last ring I heard it stop and I held my breath. "Hello?" Justin said in a muffled voice. "Hey Justin." I said. "Hey." He answered. I could tell he just woke up. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Oh...um. Just...hanging out with a few friends." He said hesitatingly. "Cool." I said. My heart was racing as I was trying to ask him about the girl. "Look I gotta go." He said. "Oh...wait!" I said right before he hung up. "Who was that girl? The girl that you were with at the hotel." I asked anxiously. "Oh. She's just a friend. I gotta go." He said. "Oh ok...love you." Then he hung up. He didn't even say he loved me back. Tears filled my eyes. I tried to hold them back so my mom wouldn't see them. I plopped my head on my pillow and stared at the ceiling.

Should I listen to my mom? Should I call Justin and just tell him to not worry about coming back to me? Should I end all of this? No. I can't. I love him too much. My phone started going off and my heart dropped. What if it's Justin calling to tell me he loves me. Or what if he's saying that we're over. I reached for me phone holding my breath and then I breathed when I saw that it was just my guy friend, Shawn. I answered it,"Hey." I greeted. "Hey." He said. I was quiet and then he asked,"What's wrong?" I sighed trying not to cry. "Nothing." I said. "Can I come over?" He asked. "Sure." I said. Then we said bye and hung up. I washed my face then put on makeup and got dressed. My bedroom door opened and Shawn walked in. Right when I saw his face tears started threatening me. Shawn sat beside me on the bed and then said,"Look, i know there's something wrong. And you don't have to tell me but...I'm here for you." "I'm not hiding anything." I whispered. "I know you are." Shawn said. "No I'm not." I said louder. "Then what's wrong?" He said a little louder than me. "Nothing you would understand." I snapped. "Sure." Shawn argued. Tears started falling down my cheek and I couldn't stop them. I just wanted to throw my arms around Shawn and cry. And ask him to fix everything. To make all the pain and secrets to go away. "There's something wrong with you and I don't what it is and why you aren't telling me Brittany." He said. I couldn't hold it in. I burst into tears and then yelled,"THERES NOTHING WRONG!!!" Shawn looked shocked. "There's nothing wrong." I sobbed wrapping my arms around him. He pulled me close and just held me. "It's ok." He whispered. He held me tighter. Then I pulled away and he waited for me to tell him why I'm like this. "There's something you need to know." I said softly. "Yes?" He asked. "I-I'm...with Justin Bieber. We're a couple." I got out with the tears falling again. Shawn looked at me so confused. "What?" He asked. "You heard me. I'm dating Justin Bieber." I said. He laughed a bit and then said,"Prove it." I slowly pulled out my phone. I showed him the thousands of pictures Justin and I have taken together and I showed him the texts and calls we've had. Shawn shook his head and then said,"For how long?" He asked staring at the ground. "Almost 3 years." I barely said. Shawn got up and looked at me and was about to say something but then he just shook his head and walked away. "No! Please don't go!" I yelled. He didn't answer and then just like that. Was gone.

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