Natsu has been your friend for years. But after you went on a mission and you don't return for months everyone is starting to worry. The day Exactly one year after your disappearing Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Ezra decide to go look for you when they finally found you they're filled with joy. But something is wrong.
''I can't believe it has been a year since I last saw (Y/n).'' Natsu mutters under his breath. He's sitting at his usual table in the guild hall with Erza and gray. ''I can't believe it either.'' Gray says. Ezra says nothing. Lucy comes storming inside. ''Hee guys what going...on?'' She stop talking when she sees everybody's grim faces. Mira walks towards Lucy. She also look kind of sad. "He, Mira, what's wrong with everybody?'' Lucy asks worried. ''Oh, din't you know. Exactly one year ago...(Y/N) left on a job. She hasn't returned since. She was really good friends with everyone. But mostly with Natsu, Gray and Erza. We all think that something must have happened to her.'' Mira says sadly. ''But isn't it normal for some one to leave on a job for years?'' Lucy asks. "Of course.'' Mira Says ''It's just that...the job she went on was supposed to take about a month. And because (Y/N) is really strong, it should only have taken her a week or maybe even less.'' Mira looks at Natsu and Gray. "I don't think you'll be able to cheer them up Lucy. Makarov won't let them go after her because it will be too dangerous. So they aren't really happy about any of this.'' Mira says. Lucy looks at her friends sitting in front of her. Natsu and Gray look like they're about to cry. Erza has an emotionless look on her face. ''I can't believe Makarov wont let them go after her.'' Lucy says. ''Makarov says that...if it...killed (y/n)...there's no way they can handle it.'' Mira says. ''She's...not...dead.'' Natsu whispers with anger written all over his face. ''Natsu we...'' Mira starts ''SHE'S NOT DEAD!'' He jumps up from his seat and yells at Mira. "Natsu...'' Lucy starts. ''NATSU IS RIGHT.'' Gray jumps up from his seat at well. ''SHE HAS TO BE ALIVE! WE HAVE TO GO AFTER HER.'' ''YEAH!!!" Erza jumped of from her seat as well now. ''LET'S GO RIGHT NOW BEFORE ANY ONE CAN STOP US!'' Natsu yells. "YEAH!!'' Gray and Erza yell at the same time. The start rushing out of the door. Natsu grabs Lucy's wrist and runs after them, Happy flying after them. ''Wait for me guys.'' He yells while disappearing out of the door to go after his friends. Mira looks at them. ''Well. We all knew something like this was going to happen.'' Makarov walks up to Mira. "Yeah.'' Mira says. She sighs. "Should we sent people after them?'' Mira asks. ''No, they have grown quite a lot since (Y/n) disappeared. They can handle it on their own.'' Mira nods. ''I just hope they were right, about her not being dead.'' She says. "Me too, Mira, me too.''
He, guys.
Sorry this is a pretty short chapter.
I just didn't have much time to write.
I know it isn't very good either, but the other chapters will be better I promise.

Flame of the past: Natsu x Reader
FanfictionThis is a fanfiction about Natsu X reader. Natsu has been your friend for years. But after you went on a mission and you don't return for months everyone is starting to worry. The day Exactly one year after your dissapearing Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Er...