So this is how I'm going to do this. I'll put Wattpad on shuffle so I can browse through random stories and when I see annoying things, then I'll write a short rant about it. Trust me, I will see a lot of irksome mistakes.
NOTICE: I use profane language and sarcasm. You must have a sense of humor to understand the gibberish I write. Oh, and you'll take offense. I have no doubt about it.
Inspired by
The Ranting Queen http://www.wattpad.com/1669908-the-ranting-queen
THE WATTPAD WRITERS RANT http://www.wattpad.com/1326475-the-wattpad-writers-rant
Rants writtened by my grumpy, sleep deprived self. http://www.wattpad.com/467408-rants-written-by-my-grumpy-sleep-deprived-self
Another Stupid Wattpad Rant http://www.wattpad.com/1646389-another-stupid-wattpad-rant
(I don't know why I bother with the links either; it's not like you can just click it and it'll bring you somewhere.)
Oh, and I almost forgot about my brother rant,
What I Hate About Wattpad http://www.wattpad.com/1220316-what-i-hate-about-wattpad
Just kidding! I didn't know about its existence until I searched "what i hate about wattpad" on Google, hoping to find some inspiration on what to use for the cover, when I found that there was another writing that had the same title as I did! So there you go, I read it and I loved it.

What I Hate About Wattpad
HumorI just want to thank some of the lovely writers out there who inspired me to write this. For the others who ever feel frustrated about a "bad" part of a story, remember that they're actually purposely writing like that so I have something to complai...