Glee Returns

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    I was coming out of Cat Grant's office after putting in her lunch order. I fixed the glasses on my face the walked up to Winn's desk. "Hey," I said, looking for James Olsen. "Have you seen James lately?" I asked. Winn looked up from his computer. "No, why?" He asked. "I was just wondering." I said fixing my glasses again. "Hey, do you wanna go see if there's any crime to....." Winn was cut off by a familiar voice. "Are you sure she's here?" Someone asked. "Yes, have a little faith in me. I tracked Marley here." Another voice said. My breath hitched. I suddenly couldn't breath, it felt like I was being choked by Red Tornado again.

No, no, no. This can't be happening, they can't be here. 'What if they know?' I asked myself. "If who knows what?" Winn asked me. I suddenly realised that I had said that out loud. "Um... nobody." He stared at me. "Why would 'nobody' know," He lowered his voice, "about you being Supergirl?" I sighed, about to answered when someone cut me off. "Excuse me, but do you know where I could find a Marley Rose?" Someone asked behind me. I gave Winn a look say that I was so dead then turned around. "Actually..... um, no. There's no one by that name that works here, well at least on this floor." I said to the tall male behind me. "Jake Puckerman." I breathed out. No one had heard me, thankfully.  Jake walked closer to me. "You know you look like her," He said. "Right here." Jake did a circular motion with his hand around my face. "I-I'm s-sorry, but I don't know anyone named Marley." I told him. That's when Unique pushed through the old glee club members.

     She looked at me skeptically. "Why don't I believe you?" She asked me, I froze. There was no way that Unique was going to believe that I wasn't Marley Rose. 'But you are Marley Rose.' A voice inside my head said. I looked at Winn, I had forgotten that he was still here. "Kara what are these people talking about? Whose Marley?" He asked confused. I couldn't move, Winn waved his hand in front of my face. "Kara? Hello? Are you in there?" I suddenly blinked. "Oh..... I'm sorry." I apologised. "What'd you asked?" I asked him. He waved it off. Suddenly Unique stepped closer. I could tell that she still wasn't convinced. "If you're not Marley then prove it." She said suddenly. "Um..... how?" I asked confused. ''Please don't say sing.' I thought to myself. 'Please don't say sing.' I thought again. Unique paused for a moment. She looked everywhere but me.

    I immediately knew what she was thinking. "If you're Marley, you'll be able to sing and won't be able to resist singing this song." She turned to a girl I recognised as Tina and nodded. Music suddenly started. "Oh, no, please Ms. Grant won't be to....." I was cut off my the music. It was Chasing Pavements by Adele, the first song I had ever sang with the rest of the glee club.

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