New Arrivals and Fallen Heroes

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In this story the Flash, Batgirl, Supergirl, and all of the other heroes are all from the same earth.


Life in National City became a hell of a lot harder when the glee club came into my past lies and secrets, not to mention the fact that Brandi had gone missing and Winn was going out of his mind with worry. Also the fact that the white martian was still on the loose in National City and could be anywhere or anyone and in top of everything, the flashed showed up in National City. So life, couldn't get anymore complicated right? Wrong.

"Kiera!" Ms. Grant called. I got up quickly, making my way over to her desk. "Yes Ms. Grant?" "Put in my lunch order, the usual." Nodded, about to walk out of her office when she called me back. "Kiera, tell that cute little hobbit guy that I need him to get the computers up and running pronto." I nodded and walked over to Winn's desk. The worry wasn't hidden very well. "Hey, I have to go pick up Ms. Grant's lunch, I'll look for her again. We'll find Brandi, I promise." He smiled up at me, sorrow in his eyes. "Thank you." Whispered. I nodded and headed into the elevator.

I used my super-speed to search around National City for any signs of Winn's sister, but I found nothing. I sped over to the Café to pick up Ms. Grant's lunch, which was t ready yet, so I sat down next to a dark haired guy on a bar stool. His eyes were glued to the TV, watching some new about me. "She's pretty cool." I said.

The dark haired guy nodded in agreement. "Totally, I wonder what it's like to fly." He mumbled. "Pretty amazing actually, you just feel free and at home." He whipped his head towards me, he green eyes questioning everything. "I would assume. I mean I can't fly, that'd be strange. Is have to be an alien it somethings, which I'm not so, yeah. Normal girl." He laughed, sticking out his hand to me. "Allen, Barry Allen." He said all James Bond like, I laughed and took his hand gently. "Danvers. Kara Danvers." He smiled at kindly.

"You know, you kind of look familiar." He commented. I froze. "What?" I nervous laughed. "I don't know.." "Did you go to McKinley High?" I looked at him strangely. "Um, yeah?" He laughed. "Marley Rose, wow it's nice to see you again." I knew he looked familiar. "Sebastian Smythe?" I asked bewildered, it couldn't be him, but it was. Barry/Sebastian laughed light heartedly, which was weird. "Relax Kara, Sebastian was just a cover story, I had been going through a tuff time at that point in my life. So I became the dickhead known as Sebastian Smythe, I admit, it wasn't the best idea, but at the time it seemed like a good one." I smiled at him.

In all honesty, I could relate, I mean I was never rude, arrogant, or selfish (well, at least I tried not to be), but I could kind of relate to Barry, or Sebastian, or whatever. "So why did you pretend to be Marley?" Barry asked. "I needed to find myself, so I decided to become a different person, although I didn't really act like you did." He rubbed his neck nervously, "Yeah, not my best side." I smiled at him, just as my phone buzzed. I was expecting my sister Alex, but instead, it was Winn. I excused myself, grabbing Ms. Grant's lunch and leaving the Café.

I quickly picked up. "I found her." Winn rushed out. "Where?" I asked urgently. "My apartment, she's unconscious Kara, you need to hurry." I quickly hung up, about to speed off to Winn's apartment, when I ran into a familiar blonde girl, knocking her down. I gasped. "Oh my god, I am so sorry I didn't see you there." I held out my hand, which she took greatfully. "Don't worry about it, I'm kind of used it happening back in New York." I smiled brightly at her, but her face looked shocked when she met my eyes. "Marley? Marley Rose?" She asked. "Do I...?" "It's me, Kitty." My eyes widened. "Kitty. Oh my god Kitty I didn't even recognise you." She smiled quickly pulling me into a brief hug, then pulled away. "You probably don't recognise me with out my cheerleading uniform on," she paused touching my hair. "and you're blonde."I pulled a stand of my hair into my face, looking at it for a spilt second, then letting it fall. "Yep, it's blonde." That pretty much left us in an awkward silence, before I remembered that Winn needed my help. "It was nice seeing you Kitty, but if you don't mind my friend really needs my help." Kitty nodded hugging me one last time, saying goodbye, and going on with her life.

I used my super-speed to get to Winn's apartment quickly. When I got there his apartment door was wide open, consciously I walked inside. "Winn!" I called. I heard footsteps before he appeared in front of me. "She's over here." Winn led me to his room, opening the door to an unconscious blonde girl lying in his bed. "What's wrong with her?" I asked. "The doctor told me to just wait it out for when she wakes up, but I don't exactly know." I sighed, this was strange.

I sat down beside batgirl. She looked at peace, but like she was still struggling to fight and hang in to life. There was a deep gash on the left side of her face, starting from her jawline going just beneath her right eye. Her forehead was covered in dried blood. It was obvious that she had tried to fight again. Her hands where bruised and bloodied. Brandi Rae looked like she had been through heel and back, and it was hard to see.

There was a sudden knock on the front door. I looked at Winn telling him to stay with Brandi, while I went to see who it was. I opened the door revealing two girls. The redheaded woman sat in a wheel chair, behind her stood a tall blonde woman, both seemed s little worried. "Hi, I'm Barbara Gordon and this is my friend..." The blonde woman cut the redhead, Barbara off. "Stephanie Brown." I smiled at them kindly. "I'm Kara, Kara Danvers." I introduced myself. "I don't mean to be rude, but what exactly are you two doing here?" The two girls looked at each other, then to me. "It's a long story, but we're here to see Batgirl." Barbara answered.

I didn't hesitate to let them in once they mentioned Batgirl. I led them into Winn's room, over to Brandi. Stephanie and Barbara looked even more worried when they saw Brandi unconscious. "This is all my fault." Stephanie murmured.  "If I hadn't given up my spot to her this would have happened Barb." The redhead looked up at the blonde. "Steph, it's not your fault, it's not mine either. Brandi knew what she was getting into. Don't blame yourself."  Winn looked at me strangely, never asking about the girls who had come to see his sister.

"I'm sorry, but if you don't mind me asking, how exactly do you know who she is?" I asked. Stephanie walked over to me. "It's a long story." Winn and I looked at Brandi, then each other. "I think we have time." Winn told then. "Well you might want to get comfortable," Barbara said wheeling up beside Stephanie. "this might take a while to explain."

I hope you guy liked it, I promise to put more Barry and glee members in the next chapter. I'll also explain how Brandi Rae became Batgirl.

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