2. Sometimes

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Faith laughed along with the girls, hopping up to lean over the railing of the pier as they all looked down onto the water. Faith had always been a little afraid of the idea of the ocean, not knowing what lurked down below the surface had always made her a little apprehensive. But as she looked down at it now, she felt an almost irresistible pull toward it, like a siren song calling out to her and seducing her into its depths.

Faith sighed to herself, taking in a deep breath of the salty air as she smiled down at her three best friends, the looks on their faces telling her they were feeling it too.

Alien walked up to them, his glasses blocking his eyes as he leaned against the railing next to Faith, their arms touching with how close he was to her.

"Y'all be careful a that water," he said, gesturing out over the edge of the pier with his hand, "lots a sharks out there.." he paused.

"I know the water looks real pretty but the Sharks are waitin'." he continued.

"Bunch a vicious motherfuckers, just lurkin'.." he finished, his hand coming back to rest on his other arm. The girls watched him for a minute, staring long and hard before returning their eyes back to the ocean, thinking about what he'd said.

Faith looked down at the waves, trying to find the pull again, but they weren't what was pulling her anymore. Now she was finding her eyes being drawn to the out of this world man standing right beside her.

She knew that it was impolite to stare, and it was more than likely that he could feel her blatantly staring at him but she couldn't help herself. Take away the fact that not only had she never seen anyone who looked like him before, she'd never met anyone even remotely similar to him in any way.

He was weird and unsettling and he had a silver grill and braids in his hair and he spoke in rhymes and riddles and his attitude was constantly changing. She was moved by him. In every way, both good and bad. And he seemed to be just as interested in her.

"Mmm." he said, his head shaking as he smiled, "goddamn girl, you can't look at me like that.." he said, turning away from Faith to look down at the ground before leaning on his side to face her.

"Mm." he said again, "Would you look at that.." he said, raising his hands, motioning as though he were holding a camera, mocking a clicking noise as he pressed down the invisible button, taking a mental picture. Faith chuckled, smiling at his childishness as he beamed at her, "Just like a goddamn calendar.." he said to himself.

Faith turned to her right, expecting to find her friends lined up alongside her but instead finding them up about thirty feet ahead, leaning over the opposite railing as they watched the sunset. Candy turned around, locking eyes with Faith as she raised an eyebrow, Candy grinned in reply, winking suggestively before turning back around and talking to the other girls.

Faith sighed internally, returning her attention to Alien, finding him staring her down, his bottom lip caught between his metal teeth as he smiled.

"You know what," he said, his smile widening, "you are just so pretty.." he said, his head shaking slightly.

"You really ain't like all them other girls out there is you?" he asked, staring at her intently, Faith struggling not to be flattered by the way his eyes were currently raking over her body.

"What's wrong with other girls?" Faith asked him, looking away as she tried to clear her head, she was loosing touch with reality again, struggling to tie herself down to something as she focused her attention on the chipped paint peeling off the wood of the railing, scratching at it with her dull nails as a sad attempt to distract herself.

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