3. Lucky

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Wow okay it's been way too long since I posted omgg this chapter is for @Rkil95 for reminding about this!! Hope you enjoy!!

Faith stirred, her eyes blinking as she looked over her surroundings, confused for a split second before the memories of the day before all came rushing back. She rolled over in the bed, staring up at the ceiling as she let herself just be, for a few minutes.

After her and Alien had finished their song, she'd asked him where her friends were, hoping for some sort of distraction from the way she'd felt every time he looked at her.

It'd turned out that the girls had all fallen asleep, Cotty on the couch and Candy and Brit had wandered into an extra bedroom, claiming it as their own. Faith had frowned upon seeing the two of them passed out carelessly on the twin sized bed. It was rude of them not to even ask if they could use it.

But Alien had shrugged her off, telling her it was no big deal as he just closed the door, turning to look at Faith, an unreadable expression on his face. She'd just been about to talk when he'd interrupted her, telling her to come with him as he walked deeper down the hallway, stopping just in front of the door Faith knew belonged to the pink bedroom before turning to his left.

He'd smiled at her, "You can stay in here.." he'd said, turning the knob without looking away as he eased the door open, revealing a beautiful white room.

"This room, this room is your room from now on," he'd said gently, shrugging "If you want it."

Faith had looked up at him, nodding softly as she whispered, "thank you.."

Alien smiled, brushing her off, "Ain't no big thang." he'd said, pausing a minute before grabbing Faith's face gently, his own face drawing nearer.

Faith had shook her head, "Alien.." she'd said, whatever she'd been about to say dying on her lips when he'd brushed her cheek with his thumb, shushing her softly.

Faith had waited, looking up at him with wide eyes, but Alien had been calm, just holding her face in his hand as he looked at her, unmoving. Just then he leaned forward, Faith's heart stopping in her chest, her eyes closing in anxiety when she felt a warm pressure lay against her forehead. Faith opened her eyes, her anxiety fleeing at how sweet and innocent the action was.

Alien had kept his lips there for a minute or two, his nose pressing into Faith's hairline before he'd pulled away, resting their foreheads together for half a second before pulling completely away, Faith watching him curiously. He'd smiled at her again, this time without his teeth showing as he'd brushed her cheek again, whispering a soft "g'nite.", earning a small chuckle from Faith when he'd tapped her nose before retreating to his room...

Now, Faith sighed deeply, the action feeling ridiculously cathartic as she turned to her side again, allowing her eyes to wander around the room now that the sun had filled it with light. The bed she was laying on was white, much like the rest of the room, with a white comforter and sheets. Her head board was covered in white feathers like the ones you see on those silly boas that little girls like to dress up with, and there were white Christmas lights wrapped all around it.

Faith let her eyes roam over the beautiful white vanity in the corner of the room, along with the small delicate chandelier hanging from the ceiling and the canopy hanging over her bed, a strange feeling building inside her. She knew why Alien had chosen to give her this room. If his words from yesterday were anything to go by. The way it was decorated, white and delicate. The more her eyes moved around the room, the more she knew what it reminded her of..

An angel.


Faith groaned, throwing one of the pillows over her head as she heard Candy calling her through the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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