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****Mariah's POV****

Shawntae, Dem Babies, and I had just arrived to my home in Aspen for the Christmas holiday. Nick wasn't there yet because he got up late or something. Shawntae didn't want him to come, and I really didn't want him there either, but I know that he wants to spend Christmas with the twins and they want to have Christmas with their daddy. So, I sucked up my pride and invited him to come......anything for the babies, right?

"Look, Mommy and Tae!! It's snowing!!" Monroe squealed as we got out the car.

"I see that, princess." Shawntae smiled.

"Mommy, can me and Roe Roe play in it?" Moroccan asked.

"We'll come play in the snow after we get our bags inside." I replied. I went to the back of the car and opened the trunk, then Shawntae came around and helped me get the bags out. We carried them to the porch and I got the key out of my purse, then I opened the door and we all went inside.

"Wow, this is nice." Shawntae commented.

"Thanks, I try." I giggled, making her laugh as well.

"Babes, go to your room and put your bags in there then come back down so I can wrap you guys up for outside." I told the twins, and they made their way to their room.

"Follow me, Tae." I said to Shawntae. I lugged my bags up the stairs and Shawntae was right behind me with her bag and my other two bags. I had four bags in total.....two bags of clothes, a bag of shoes, and my makeup/hair product bag. Anyway, we went inside of the master bedroom and just sat our bags down in the floor, then I jumped in the bed and just laid across it. 

"It feels softer every year....." I mumbled, referring to the bed. Shawntae laid next to me and out of instinct, I scooted closer to her and grabbed her hand.

"You're so spoiled, Mimi." Shawntae laughed.

"Am not!" I argued.

"Yes you are, but it's fine cause I love you." she said. I smiled as I stared into her eyes, then I leaned in and kissed her. I pulled away and giggled, causing Shawntae to look at me weirdly.

"Somebody's in a good mood today." she commented. It was true, I was in a good mood but I couldn't tell Shawntae why.....well, not at that moment. I had planned to tell her how I felt about her on the trip, and I was gonna do it in a way that she was gonna remember. ;)

"Haha, I just really love being here.....this place gives me great vibes." I told her. I mean, it was the truth because I loved being in just wasn't the whole truth.

"Anyway, let's go back downstairs so the twins can go outside." I continued. I got out of the bed and so did Shawntae, then we went back downstairs to see the twins trying to put their snowsuits on themselves. Monroe had done hers pretty well, but Moroccan was on the floor struggling with his, making me shake my head and giggle.

"Come here, my baby." I giggled, picking Moroccan off the floor. Shawntae zipped Monroe up and helped her put on her boots, while I tried to get Moroccan out of his suit to put it on right.

"Roc, how did this even happen?" I asked, pulling his head out of the sleeve. He was literally in the suit upside down, and I really didn't understand how he ended up that way.

"I don't know, Mommy!" he whined. I finally got the rest of him out, so I fixed the suit and unzipped it so that he could get in it.

"Step in, baby." I instructed and he did so. I put his sleeves on him and zipped him up, and he grabbed my face and kissed me.

"What was that for, Rocky?" I questioned.

"I dunno, I just felt like giving you a kiss." he shrugged. I put his gloves on and put his boots on his feet, then I put his hat on him and stood up.

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