3~The Tower

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The door clicked into place and the push bar extended out, waiting to be pushed. I hopped over one of the stairs and followed Connor up to the next door. He pulled it open, exhausted and out of breath, just like everyone else who welcomed us.

"Oh my god, we were so worried." Angie said as she threw her arms over Connor. His face went a bit red as everyone stared. The Tower was a weird place. It was something that I assume you could call an auditorium but it was far too small for that title. It only had about ten rows of seats each with about 5 seats in them, facing a polished wooden stage with blue curtains that were neatly covering the edges of it.

There was a bang. And another one, one after the other, several clanks and scratches echoed throughout the room. Everyone stopped their conversations and listened. It was coming from the halls. They were trying to get in.

"Now what?" Keith asked. No one knew how to answer. We had gotten away from them, well at least we thought we had. They had just followed us here, it was no use.

"We don't know what those things are, and here, we're just sitting ducks." Keith said. He was right. We didn't know anything about those things. Why had they came? Where are they from? Why do they want..us?

"Your right. We don't have any idea what those things are, so that's why the safest bet is to stay as far as possible from them" I said. We had already established this and didn't know why I repeated it but it clearly hadn't worked as we planned. We all looked around the room, looking for any exit. All the side windows were closed; the velvet curtains that didn't go well with the blue ones on stage drawn over the wide and tall windows.

Except for one. Over the slight incline that the auditorium had, there was a window centered not so perfectly in the middle of the wall. We all began inching toward it, again, a constant silence lurked over us, excluding the very loud moaning and banging against the doors.

We got to the window and it was defientley a sight...A sight of pure horror. It had gotten much worse than before. I thought what we had seen in Mr.Santoro's room was bad but this was...it was gruesome. The streets were flooded with havoc.

The sun was still hanging high overhead, scorching the ash-ridden streets. There was smoke erupting from dozens of buildings, homes and cars, all froming a large pillar of black smoke that danced across the sky. Everything had come to a stop so instantaneously. They were everywhere. The things, shuffling through every street that was littered with broken debris from car accidents.

But along with the things and the torn apart neighborhood were people. Actual people, just like us. We watched, pertched five stories above the streets. Watched as hundreds screamed and ran for their lives. The school was still being emptied. Seemingly all of the exits were open, having kids empty out from them. We all stared with gasps here and there as more got trampled and even more got grabbed by the things.

"It's all gone." I heard someone murmur. I looked over it was Yoanna. She looked at what use to be Queens and stepped back from the window.

"Everything...everything. This can't be happening." Keith said, his voice cracking every other word. The waterworks were about to start up again.

"No, it can't be." Angie broke him off. She stared Keith down as he ran away from the window stumbling over his wide feet.

"Really? Really, Angie? Do you not see that!?" Keith was crying now. His tears slid down his fat cheeks until he stopped and mumbled, "There's no point."

"It can't be like this everywhere. Right...Russel?" She asked with a worried expression on her face. Keith inched toward the door and everyones eyes looked like they were about to fall out of their faces.

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