[14] reunited

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It was almost as if this whole experience flashed before her eyes. The pain, betrayal and other emotions she couldn't explain.

The hand that pulled her out of the nightmare didn't drag her, didn't hurt her. It simply held onto her, she felt a tight embrace. When she looked up to see her hero, he didn't look down, he just kept running.

"Natsu?" Lucy whispered holding on as tight as she could.

"Shhh, get your rest. I'll make sure we will get somewhere safe." Natsu gave a small smile to signal it's ok. Lucy closed her eyes with relief. Now that she could rest the exhaustion hit her, almost in a matter of minutes she was asleep.


"That should help her a lot." Wendy whispered ending her healing session.

"How bad was it really?" Natsu worried.

"It was pretty bad, they did a number on her. Anyway, if she gets some more rest then she'll be ok for the time being." Wendy stood up. "I'm gonna go check on Erza and Gray, watch over her and if anything happens, then protect her." She added running out of the hiding space. They had found a little cave that was ok for the quick pit stop. Wendy then pushed the boulder closed almost making it impossible to find. Natsu's Flames lit the small space and he watched over Lucy. She started to look better then she was. Holding her like that in his arms probably hurt more for him, those cuts and bruises almost felt like his too.

"I'm sorry Lucy... I-I don't know how to say this when you wake up so I'll say it now... It's just I've felt like all of this is my fault. I know it's not but i almost have a instinct to protect you." Natsu looked away. "I just needed to say that because I don't know what this feeling is."

Lucy didn't stir. Natsu had a small blush on his face. "I will protect you."

And they sat, in complete quiet. That is, until he herd footsteps. Instantly his flames went out and he was quiet. Lifting his nose in the air he smelled the scent of Dartin. Hoping that he would pass, Natsu stood in front of Lucy.

He walked closer and closer and suddenly stopped. "I know you guys are here." Dartin whispered and Natsu held his breath.

Dartin kept walking.

Natsu took a huge breath. Lucy had slept through it all, Lucky her. It was then she started to stir.

"Shhh." Natsu whispered to the blonde Mage.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. Natsu helped her sit up, she was drained.

"Natsu? What happened?" Lucy asked trying to see him. He had lit a small fire so they could talk, Although it was dead silent.

Lucy had to confess. "I heard you talking."

Natsu clammed up and a huge blush formed on his face. "What?!"

Lucy giggled, "thank you." Natsu nodded and looked away. Lucy had a smirk on her face.

"I um, it was uh... A spirt of the moment thing."

Natsu met Lucy's gaze. She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

Natsu blushed. "Lucy?"

Lucy frowned. "We need to go." She stood up and they started for the rock.

It was pitch black. When Natsu pushed out of the way he went first making sure there was no danger. He lit a small fire to give them some light.

When Lucy followed out of the cave she sensed something evil and froze. Natsu looked back at frightened Mage.

"Natsu... Don't move." Lucy warned looking at the bright red eyes behind him.

"Luc-" Natsu was tackled and his flames went out. It was now pitch black, all Lucy heard was a struggle. She was so scared to move or even talk. He had to say he was alright, he had to.

But he didn't.

"Nat-" Lucy choked out before being tackled to the ground, Everything went black.


When Lucy awoke it was bright. She felt drained once more, like the life was being sucked out of her. Once her vision was clear she made out a huge ball that was glowing with magical energy. This place was the one Dartin tried to bring her down to. Trying to stand up she was pulled back down sharply. The pain reached her body and it was almost unbearable. She screamed and tears formed I her eyes.

"Shh!" A voice whispered trying to calm her down. That voice made her freeze in fear, it was Austins.

"Aus-s-stin?" Her voice shook.

"If Dartin knows you woke up your dead, so be quiet." Austin put his hands on her shoulders.

Lucy took a deep breath. "Just kill me... If your gonna do it do it now."

"I don't think your friends would be ok with that, especially Natsu." Austin remarked. Lucy nodded and met his gaze. He had cuts and bruises on his arms and some on his face.

"Where are they?" Lucy asked; Austin didn't answer. "Austin please, where are they?"

"There gone."

Lucy felt a lump in her throat. "What...?" She managed to choke out.

"I'm sorry..." Austin whispered. He sounded sincere.

"No..." She whispered. "no!" Lucy screamed throwing her head down and sobbing. Her heart was in pieces, her stomach in nots and her head shattered. She was going insane.

Austin hugged her.

She looked back at him. She saw a worried look in his face, he met her gaze and mouthed some words that she could clearly understand.

They're alive.

Austin looked behind him and all around. And stared at her again.

He's watching.

Who is watching Lucy and Dartin?

Everyone seems to be alive, where are they?!

Find out next chapter, [15] Powerful or Powerless

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