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{Star's POV}

"Marco?" I asked. He locked himself in his room, sobbing loudly. "Can I come in?" More sobs. "I'm coming in anyway." I aimed my wand at the lock. "Mystical Door Unlock," I whispered. A little unicorn shot out of my wand and unlocked the door. He laid face down on his bed. I walked over to his bed and sat down beside him. "You wanna talk about it?" I asked. He sat up and wiped his eyes as he nodded. "Who called?" I questioned. "The police," he murmured. "Why did they call?" He started crying again. I hugged him as he rocked back and forth. "It's about no parents." he muttered into my ear, "There was a three person car crash. My parents were involved, and they didn't make it out." He sobbed louder. I tightened the hug slightly. "I'm here for you Marco, I always will be." We sat there in silence.

*Time Skip*

{Marco's POV}

I was still sitting in a blanket fort Star made earlier. She was attempting to make dinner now. Probably a bowl of cereal or something. "Marco, I'm done." Star walked in. It was breakfast, but not what I expected. It was bacon and pancakes. "You made this?" Star nodded and sat in the fort across from me. She scooted the plate towards me. "You don't want any?" I asked. She shook her head and smirked. I chuckled and bit into a strip of bacon. Star leaned over and bit off the other half. "Thank you," she said with her mouth full. I laughed and leaned backwards, forgetting that I was up against the wall of the fort. It tumbled down with me. Star sat up in the mess and looked at me with blankets over her head. She is really the only one who can make need happy. I frowned. "What?" she asked. "If my mom were here she'd be sitting here taking pictures," I sighed. Star looked at the clock. Marco we should go to bed. I looked at the clock. 11:30. I nodded and, after multiple attempts to get out of the blankets, stood up.

{Star's POV}

I started to pick up the blankets. "We can get it in the morning," Marco said. I used my wand and dragged them to my room. Then I changed into my usual pajamas; Marco's old T-shirt, socks, and my underwear, and walked back to his room to make sure he was okay. He was under the covers with the blankets pulled up to his chin, staring at the ceiling. I walked over and tries to see what he was looking at. "What you looking at?" I asked. "Nothing, I'm just thinking. I don't know what is gonna do without my parents," he sighed. "So your okay?" He shrugged his shoulders. I started to walk out before Marco grabbed my wrist.
He stared at me with his deep chocolate eyes. "Don't leave me, please," Marco whispered. "But I'm in my underwear." He looked at me like he didn't care. "I guess I could, just for tonight." I walked to my room and grabbed a blanket and some pillows to make a bed on the floor. By the time I got back, Marco was already in his pj's. I put the first few pillows on the floor. "Ahem," he said. I looked up. He scooted over and was patting the spot next to him. I blushed and sat on the edge of the bed. I scooted over until I was enough that I could touch his foot with mine. "Night Mar-" I was cut off by the sound of slight snoring. I later down. Marco must have rolled or something because he now had his arm around me. "What if I wasn't sleeping," he whispered in my ear. I blushed. Before I knew it, we were both asleep.

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