Chapter 7.

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Niall park at my door room, so he can help me up with my bag. Since we drove in at campus had people looked more than usual when someone come in a car. And they look one extra time as they see that it is Niall there is driving it. They don't look at me, no they're looking at Niall. They all look surprise in their faces to know that his family have money. I swear on that I provenly looked like them too a couple of days ago as I saw his house. 

Niall found my bag in the back of the car. He take it out, even that I had asked if I should do it. we walk inside the building, I look around and see anyone is saying hello to their boyfriends, girlfriends, friends and teams. It is like they haven't seen each other in a whole year. Some of Niall's mates, give him a bro hug as they walk past us. I caught myself looking several times, and try every time to look the other way. There is so many people on the hallways, that it is hard to get through. And as we come to my door, is it already half open. I knock on it before walking in, Niall lay his free hand on my waist and hold there until I get attacked by Isabella in a big hug. She share one look before she look over at Niall and say hi to him. Niall kiss me light goodbye on my lips, and close the door after himself. 

"Alexandra Smith! Was that a kids on the mouth?" she say all surprise to me. I turn my head to her and nod as my cheeks start burning up. 

"Come on, let me hear every thing. I'll hear about your whole weekend in London!" she say and drag me over to her bed, where we sit down and I just start to tell her about my weekend. 


I walk with Isabella and one of the other girls. They are talking about what party they are going to next. One of the topics I can't be a part off. It is normal that I only know I'm going to a party if Bella say I shall. And if I can't get a word said about I won't go, do I need to go. Sometimes is it alright, but other times is it just too much for me. 

"Miss Smith." I hear a professor yell after me. The 3 of us turn our heads and see how Mrs. Lovegood come power walking in her grandma shoes and officer outfit, to us. She is one of the best professors on the school, but she is so clumsy and do literally always forget something. And drop all of her papers as she do right now. All of us rush over to her and help her with picking it up. 

"Thanks girls." she say as she put back on her glasses. She take a deep breath and look over at me. 

"I had your report, but I seem to had lost it." she say and look through her paper. 

"It is alright, you can just tell me what you think." I say to her with a smile. 

"But there was something you need to see."

"You maybe forgot it somewhere then?". She get on her thinking face. And it lights up. 

"The music room!" she say. 

"But I don't have the time. Can it wait?" she ask me as the bells ring. 

"I have a free the rest of the day, so I'll get it." I say to her and see her face light up. 

"Great. Have a great day girls." she say before she rush to into another direction. 

"Just go. I'll just get my report." I say to them. 

"As you wish." Jenny say and they start walking. 

I normal don't come around here at this side of the university. I'm not into all that art and music stuff. Right now do there seem so empty in here, like anyone else is dead and I'm the only one back. I look in at the window at the art room, and see an open window and people sitting on a row and painting. Class outside in one of England's good weather days. How amazing. I stop at the door to the music room, first do it seem to be silence in there, but then a guitar start playing. I open the door silence so I do not disturb the person. As the door is half open do this person start singing. I open the door a bit more and see Niall is sitting with the back to me with a guitar in his hand and singing while playing. I walk on my tip toe over to the desk and start looking after my paper. But to my luck, do I the cup fall down on the ground and Niall stop playing, get up and turn around and look at me. 

"Jesus Christ, you scared me." he say and let out a smile as he take his hand through his hair. Non of us don't take a single move at each other. 

"I didn't knew you could play. And sing." I say to him and take the first step across him. 

"Not many know." he say as I sit down beside him. 

"What was you playing?" I ask him as he sit down too. 

"Just a song." he say and is about to take away his papers, but I quickly get them up. 

"Who wrote this?" I ask him.

"Just one of my mates called Harry Styles." he say to me. 

"Don't Let Me Go? Let me hear." I say and Niall start playing this amazing song. 


I walk with Isabella down to the football station. It is the last game they are going to play in this outdoor season. We have our big coats on, since it a bit cold and windy out here. We walk past the lads there is warming up. I take one look over at the other team, there have some tall and fit men. And to compare to our do we have only a few of them. 

"Hi babe." I hear Niall say, I look over at him with a smile. He have red cheeks and a bit sweaty over the warm up. 

"Good luck." I say to him and give him a bit of a long kiss on the mouth. 

"Thanks." he say to me and smile after the kiss, and place one quick soft kiss on my lips. He start running back to the rest, looking back at me a couple of times. I watch him until he stops, and look over a lad from the other team. On somehow when I look over there, do the lad get my attention  and make the Call-Me sign. Niall look over at me and then at the lad again, before someone take his attention.

"Come on, let's find some seats." Isabella say to me and pull in my arm. I nod and follow with her. 

We all stand up clap and scream at our school there won 3-1. The team carry Josh out to the dressing room while screaming his name. It is just wonderful. Isabella and I walk right after them and wait outside the dressing room. It feels like forever as the whole team come walking out at once. Niall spot me as the first thing when he come out, and walk directly over to me. He keep on the cute little smile, and then the way he look down in the ground and when he look up is he more cute and have a brighter smile. He stop close up at me, so close that I almost can hear his heart there beats. 

"Had you ever been out clubbing?" he ask me. 

"No." I say to him. 

"Do you want to try it out with me? And the rest of our team?" he ask me. I break our eye contact and look to the side. 

"Isabella will coming too." he add and I look back at him. 

"But it is friday, and I have to be home and eat with them. I promised." I say to him, witch make him smile.

"What about I go with you to your parents house and eat, and then go we out with our team and explore Oxford's nightlife a friday night?" he ask me. I feel how my eyes almost pop out of my head and how nervous I get. 

"A-are you s-sure on that?" I get out of my mouth. Niall nod as an yes to me. 

"I'll make a call then." I say and left Niall with him there give me a little kiss on my cheek with a "Thank you.".

A/N: Hi anyone. Now had I wrote 7 chapters, and will just hear what you guys think of until now? So leave a message please <3

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