Chapter 43.

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Niall and I wen back UNI at saturday. And as we arrived do we see all the banners and people standing at Niall's dorm room. They're all happy over that he got on to the final. Someone threw him a beer and that is the last time I see to Niall that afternoon. He just disappear and I walk back to my quiet dorm room.

"Aren't you coming with us tonight?" Isabella ask me as she take on her massacre. The clock say almost 10 on a saturday night. 

"Where?" I ask her. 

"You know that huge party we're holding for Niall." she say and look at me in the mirror. I don't say anything, I just look back down in my textbook. 

"Come on, it's going to be fun. I know Niall will like you there." she say and sit down beside me. I know he will like me there, but it's not like I'll go in and celebrate that I'm going to miss my boyfriend for 1 month, when they go on the tour with the rest. 

"Come on, party animal. It's going to be fun." she say and close the book and help me up and find some clothes. 

We get over at their dorm room of the sport jerks. Their hall is filled with people there is dancing around, having beers in their hands and just going crazy. It's fun how to see that the freshman can't handle their alcohol. They're falling around like a.. Yeah, like I don't know. I get a drink in my hand and look out over the crowd. I look after Niall but it seems like he isn't to find somewhere. 

"I thought you said Niall was here?" I ask Isabella there have found Josh really quickly. Or he came to her. 

"Where is Niall?" she ask Josh there point over at a lad there is standing and dancing on a table. I can see how drunk he really is on the way he is standing there up. He pull up a girl from the floor. I just look the other way as I try to find my phone there have been vibrating a lot. I see that I have missed Skype call from James. I walk out and get on my skype to answer it.

"Hey mate. What's up?" I ask him as he answer my call.

"So it's December in a month, right?" he ask me. 

"Indeed. Merry Christmas." I say to him and we both start laughing. 

"Why are you asking?" I ask him as we stop. 

"I'm coming and spend Christmas with you and your family." he say to me. I don't say anything until he say my name. 

"Wow, that's good. Then do you already get a chance to see England and Ireland too." I say to him. 

"I know. I'm so exciting." he say. I can hear how happy he is. 

"But I'm at school until 15th of December." I say to him.

"I know, but my mom and dad think we should visit some family the first days and then go with you guys to Ireland." he say. He sound so happy about it. 

"What is that noise?" he ask me as some girls come out and shout really loud.

"Oh, just a party." I say. He doesn't know that I'm back with Niall again, and there is no need to him to know now.

"Then have a great party." he say to me. 

"Thanks, and tell the others I said hi. Alright?" I ask him.

"Sure. See you in December." he say and hung up. I look inside how Niall still are dancing on the table with some fit girls. I take the chance and walk in there.

I regret in the moment I get up to him, close to the table and one of the girls try to kiss him. He reject her. But not with the words I wanted to hear. 

"No, I'm with Rebecca.". The words get around in my head a couple of times before I run out crying my heart out. I know that it's true now. I know he have cheated on me while I was gone. I know that the kiss wasn't a set up. It was all real. 

I lock up my door and storm in. I try to close the door behind me but something stop me. 

"Alex." I hear Niall's drunk voice say. 

"Go away you fucking jerk." I say and try to close the door again. Niall is too strong and I don't have any chance to close it, when he is pushing against me. So I just let go and walk away. 

"What do you want?" I ask him and take away my tears, there seem to come more. 

"Wanna have sex with you." he say and get over to me as he close the door. He try to kiss me but I just slap him. 

"Go and ask Rebecca!" I say. Niall take his hand up to his cheek, where I hit him. It must have been a pretty strong hit since he is red there. 

"You're drunk, Niall. Fuck off." I say to him as he try to say something to me. He look at me and don't do anything. He just leave the room and I start crying again. Few seconds after come Isabella running in.

"Alex, what just happened? I saw Niall leave with a red mark.." she say but as she see how much I'm crying do she stop talking and hold around me instead. After some time do I start explaining what happened.

Niall's POV:

I woke up with the worst hangover ever. And a strange burning feeling on my cheek. I see Alex's pretty brown hair laying next to me. Even that I can't remember a thing do it look as a pretty good night for me. I've got celebrated and got laid. I turn my head from her and around in the room. I don't recognize the room at all. Where am I?

"Morning sexy." the voice of the girl say. She turn around and look at me.

"You're not Alex." I say to her. 

"And you're not bad to sex at all." she say and try to kiss me. 

"I need to go." I say before I get up from the bed. I start looking around after my clothes there is all over the floor. 

"Hey! Where are you going?" she ask me as I get out of the door. I don't answer at all. I just try to get so quick out as possible. What did just happened there?

As I get out do I see I'm in the other end of campus. How did I end up here? I start walking to my dorm room, but quickly change the direction to Alex's dorm room. I wonder a little what the clock is, since it's still a bit dark yet. I look around and see people come walking out from buildings. They have provenly made the same mistake as me or it wasn't a mistake. We all take the walk of shame, with our heads down.

I get inside at Alex's dorm room. Take the elevator up and get off as it stop. I walk over to the door and knock on the door. I knock a few times before Alex open the door. I smile at first but as soon I see her red and dry eyes, her cheeks there is all wet and the running makeup do I stop. 

"Babe. What's wrong?" I ask her. 

"You fucking jerk!" she shout in my face and hit me again. The same place where I have the pain. It's like I get a flashback on what happened yesterday. I was in the room and tried to kiss her. She was upset over something, so she go angry. And I got to fell her anger. 

Alexandra close the door again. i step a little forward and knock on the door again. 

"Babe! I'm sorry! Please come out again!" I say as I knock on the door. It open again after 5 minutes. 

"Niall, I think it's best you leave." Isabella say to me. 

"I just need to talk with my girlfriend first." I say to her. 

"Her name is Alexandra, not Rebecca. Go and find Rebecca." she say and close and lock the door right in my face. 

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