Chapter 5

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I turned and saw a hooded figure. It's a boy, according to the voice I heard."Uhm..hi, uhhmm....."

"Seriously? You don't recognise me? We talk JUST NOW!!" He chuckled , I raised my eyes a bit. Let me think this straight, deep voice, yet innocent and cherrful ..Who did I talk just now? Brick....Blake...Alex... Daniel..., Then he uncovered his hood revealing his dorty blonde hair. I gasped, suprised at the sight of him.

"OH MY GOSH!" Buttercup squeal in suprised, grinning wide. "Boomer! Long time no talk!" She threw her arms aound him.

Jealousy washed on me, but who am I kidding? She and Boomer are on good terms since they were partners for the Chemistry project 2 years ago. Then everything change when their schedule
change. Not a single class that both of them have together. How did I know both of them were partners? Boomer always talked about what happened each day to us, but instead of saying Buttercup, he used BC to address her.

Both of them have no time to interact with each other since both of them were soo busy. Buttercup with the President Prefect while Boomer with the Public Volunteering. Yes, he volunteers.

Anyways, back to the present.

"BC! Long time no talk too!" He hugged her back. After the moment, both of them stopped hugging each other.

Then there were silence. Boomer then had his eyes wided ."How did you know the secret entrance to here?" He asked rather fast to Buttercup.

"I didn't know... Butch just randomly pull me down here" Oooooh cheeze, what will Boomer think of?

"Really then?" Boomer shots me a glare. You see, he wants the last member of the PPG to discover this place by herself.

"Oh, am I not supposed to know about this place?"
Buttercup asked shyly, her eyes were really sad like one of those famous 'puppy eyes'. How did she did that! I can't even make my eyes look sad.

"No no no, I just wanted this to be our secret hideout" he grabs me while he said that. "But it's okay, only if you promise me to keep this 'Secyer' a secret from everybody else."

"Of corse I will! Not to a single soul." Buttercup replied.

"Oh and before I forget, The only people who knows this are-" he coughed a bit."us, the Rowdyruff boys."

History time!


We were young, at 4th grade. We were assigned to be a group of trio, each trio should have their group names. My group consists of Boomer, Brick and me. Our group leader, Brick suggest that our name should be The Three Jokerters, since we were jokesters, but I argued that it's ridiculous. Then Boomer suggest the SuperTrio Boys. Why? I have no idea.

Brick argued that it sounds snoobish. So the arguments continue on and on. We even hit each other, well... I had to admit, we were hitting like cats.

Finally the teacher had enough of our pointless fights, She slamed both of her hands on her desk, making a huge THOOMP "Enough! You boys are really rowdy and it's making me sick ! And what's with this hitting each other huh? Ruff much!? I might as call you trio The Rowdyruff Boys!"

The three of us stoped fighting and stared at our teacher. The whole class were silent . Finally Brick spoke up "You know what teacher? That sounds like a cool name !" Both me and Boomer nodded our heads in approvement after thinking about it.

~~End of Flashback~~

Hehehe, good old times, now back to the present.

"You and the rest of the Powerpuff girls" Boomer continued. And no, I am not going to talk about the history of their group name cause I, myself, don't know.

"Wait, Blossom and Bubbles knew about this place!?" Buttercup said rather loudly.

"Ehaha.......yeah. You see, since Blossom and Bubbles discover this place by themselves, so I want you to also discover this place by yourself too. But noo, Butchie here just wanted to drag you here" Boomer then narrowed his eyes at me.

"Well Boom, there's a reason why , you know? " I snapped at him.

"Oh yeah? What's the reason, I'm all ears"

"Okay, it's stared all like this......"

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