Chapter 13

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Before I began the chapter, I would like to give a shout out to my friend peaNAD297 for creating that wonderful banner of our favourite green shipping. When I mean our, I mean all of us.

Yadayadayada. Anyways

Yall be wondering, what will happen to Butchie Boy? Is he really a Vampire?

I mean, I could make it happen, buut naaaah.

Anyways, Buttercup meet her fellow friends, Blossom and Bubbles in the Secyer. They were sitting on some unique seats. Blossom with some kind of Candy BonBon Cushion while Bubbles with a bubble foam cushion.

Buttercup has some intense look on her face. "Girls... you were classes with Butch, right? You must know what you?"

"What happened? Today I don't have any classes with him" clarified Blossom.

"I do! I'm with him in Gym class" she suddenly have a sad look on her face. "He....beat...Boomer, my Boomie"

The two girls looked at their blonds love struck friend whose eyes are filled with fake tears. Suddenly, Brick came into the layer, making a dramatic entrance by jumping on a trampoline and landed with a back flip

"Tadaa! Well, what do y'all think of my arrival" he asked proudly with his hands on the air and a wide grin on his face. Non of the girls seem to react, they just stared at Brick. The pause of silence was long that somehow you could hear faint footsteps from the above.

Brick dropped his head in embarrassment and coughed."Never mind that, what are you girls doing here? "

Blossom looked away from him, which made him wonder why. "I don't know... ask Buttercup. She told us to be here." Everyone looked at Buttercup with a questioning look.

"Well... I thought maybe I should gather yall here to discuss about Butch," she dramatically paused as she looked down. " The supposed to be Vampire" her eyes were glowing emerald green

Somehow, there's the sound of a thunder in the background. "What the heck did that can be heard from down here?" She asked suspiciously.

"Ehehe, Brick and I thought it would be fun to add in the automatically mood sound effects" Blossom said while giggling.
An akward silence past by for some time.

"Okay... well. I thought it must be a misunderstanding about him being a vampire." Buttercup clarified.

"But itz trueee!" Brick protested.

"Haha, no lah. Your proofs are not that solid.... so maybe we should look at the cctv in the principle's office." She smiled while raising her hand up like those prep leader. "Who's with me!?"

Again, there's a loong pause of silence. "ME! I WANT TO PROVE THAT HE IS A VAMPIRE!!" Brick shouted.

"Well. If Brick is going, so am I!" Blossom said as she blushed a little.

"ME THREE, itz IMPOSSIBLE the slowest ruff can suddenly beat the fastest ruff, IMPOZZIBLE! " Bubbles yelled.

"Very well then... wait a minute, should we include Boomers?" Buttercup suggested.

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