¢нαρтєя 13

21 10 4

Belinda's POV:

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed

"I just wanted to say hi, is that so bad?" He said.

"Alright than, hi and bye" I said about to hang up

"Whoa there babe! Calm down there baby girl" he chuckle "so you have a boyfriend huh?"

"That's none of your business, but yes I do" I smiled and looked at Edward while he looks at me intensely

"You forgot about me so soon? That hurts, but I bet he isn't half as good as I am" I can sense that he's smirking

"You know what Brandon? Shove your dick down your throat would ya? Since you're so desperate for someone to suck it, you mind as well do it. Now bye, I have important things I need to do than to talk to a stupid bastard" I said and hanged up

"Who is he?" Edward asked

"My ex unfortunately" I sighed annoyed

"Does he want you back?" He asked, I can tell that by the tone of his voice he's jealous; I smiled at the thought.

"Yeah he does, I'll go on a date with him tomorrow" I shrugged, his whole face expression changed, like before. His face is turning red, his jaw is clenched, his knuckles are white and he's breathing heavily.

"You're not going anywhere with that douche" he said in a matter of fact

"I'm just playing" I laughed, he glared at me before he softened. "I would never go out with a guy like him, and plus... " I leaned closer to his lips "You're way sexier" I whispered while I bit my lip. I could tell he hold a moan, so it came as a groan.

"Are you teasing me Miss Pierce?" He raised an eyebrow

"Maybe Mr. Jackson" I smirked.

"You're driving me insane Belinda" he said looking straight in my eyes like if he were to look through my soul. He leaned in to kiss me but I put a finger in his lips.

"It's 5 pm, which means.. You mister, need to take me home" I said

"You're a fucking tease Belinda" he said making me laugh lightly "I have a better idea" he started "how about, I kidnap you and take you to my place?" He smirked and licked his lips. Mmm..

"Or how about you take me home before my mom comes here and chops your dick off?" I grinned

"She would actually do that?" He asked a bit concerned

"You have no clue of what my mother and I are capable of" I winked


"Why are you late?" My mother asked "and why the hell did your teacher bring you home?" She asked concerned

"I told you I was staying for lunch detention. I asked him to take me home, he was just explaining some stuff about controlling ourselves and blah blah blah" I said like if I was bored. If you only knew what we were doing in school. She softened.

"That's good, I'm glad he told you that" she said, I just nodded 'bored'.

Edward's POV:

I got home waiting for my soon not fiancé to get home. I don't know what exactly I'm going to tell her, but I have to. I feel bad because May is a nice girl, and I really feel guilty for cheating on her. I went to my room and started changing clothes, I turned back to look at the clock and noticed a little note.

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