¢нαρтєя 16

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Belinda's POV:

"Just one more week till spring break" Judith said

"Yeah, I'm tired of school" Jason said "Daniel and Edward are taking forever"

"You said what about us?" Daniel said behind us

"That you two take forever" Jason repeated

"Guys.. Umm.. I'll meet you later.. Maddy, can I talk to you?" Ed asked Maddy. I could notice the blush in his cheeks, aww.

"Sure thing.. Take all the time you need" I said and winked at Ed.

~later on~

"So what are your plans for this weekend?" Daniel asked me

"I have a date with Edward" I said with a smile on my face

"Oh right. He asked you to be his girlfriend yesterday" he said, something about his tone tells me he didn't quite like that.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked "do you not like Edward?"

"It's not that- it's just that.. Never mind, forget about it. I'll tell you later, Romeo is coming" he said looking ahead of me, I turned around and saw Edward. I turned around to face Daniel, but he was walking away.

"Daniel wait!" I tried to stop him, but he was already far away.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Edward asked

"Yeah, Daniel wanted to talk. But he said he was going to tell me later" I said, suddenly a group of students were walking...

"Belinda, would you mind following me to my classroom? I need to give you, your missing work" Edward asked in his professional voice.

"Sure" I answered, with a grin. We made our way to his classroom, I entered first with Edward behind me. "Missing work huh?" I smirked once I turned around to face him. He quickly locked the door, turned around and wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me close to him and kissed me.

"Mhm... a lot of work" he said in between the kiss, we kissed for another minute.

"As much as I would love to kiss you, but I need to go to class" I giggle

"I could kiss you all day long" he smiled, which made me smile as well

"I would really much like that Mr. Jackson. But you'll have to wait" I winked "and plus.. I can spend the night at yours, since my mom is not going to be home today" I smirked

"Hmm... I would really love that miss Pierce. I would be more than happy to spend the night with my beautiful girlfriend" he grinned making me blush "and making her blush all night" his grin grew

"Stop!" I said embarrassed "it should be against the rule, of you making me blush" I joked

"I've broken so many rules, I don't mind breaking another one" he smirked. As always, someone or something interrupts our moments. Someone was knocking, I groaned annoyed, he gave me a small kiss before opening the door.

"Hello mister-uh-Jackson" a feminine voice said, who is it?

"You are...?" Edward asked

"I just got here, and will Mrs. Fields told me to come here, I'm going to be in your team" she said, I'm not liking that tone.. "You seem very fun" she giggle

"Thanks.. And umm.. Will I don't know anything about this, so you should go to-" Edward started to say

"Can I just stay here? I mean the counselor told me to come here, that you'll give me the schedule" she said almost 'whining'. Hell nah. I made my way to them, that's where I noticed a tall blonde.

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