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The music was blaring, shaking the walls of the pub. Sweating, drunk bodies grinding against each other on the dance floor as the music hit it's highg point. I sat at the bar, my hand wrapped firmly around a cup, now empty. My barely covered legs where hot from the heat radiating through the small place. I could see my friends bouncing and dancing to the music from my seat. One of them looked over at me, Sarah. She pushed through the crowd and up to me, swaying sightly as she stood infront of me. I laughed lightly.

"Come on, dance," she slurred. I shook my head.

"No, i'm fine here, thanks for the offer though," She sighed and leaned towards me. I could smell the acholol on her and knew she had, had way to much to drink.

"PPlleeasseee Kim, please, just one dance, have some fun with us," I looked over at my other friends dancing and acting like total morons. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged. Sighing.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, you are wearing a white tank top, jean short shorts, you look HOOTT, just dance, maybe you'll even get lucky," I laughed and stared at her. Her eyes pleading with me. I sighed and got off my stool.

"Fine, but only one dance," She sqeauled and grabbed my hand and pulled me into the heated crowd. Already making me feel uncomfortable.


"I knew we shouldn't have come here," Louis mummbled, keeping his eyes on Zayn. He was having trouble not lashing out and killing everyone here. I chuckled lightly and raised my hand for a re-fill.

"He seems to be doing fine,"

"Harry, he hasn't been like one of us for as long as the rest of us, look at him, he looks like he's about to explode," I glanced back at him. He was sitting in the booth between Niall and Liam. His eyes on the verge of going red. I shook my head and put the cold glass to my lips.

"Liam and Niall got him, he's fine,"

"You never care do you, that all these people could be killed in a matter of seconds, you just don't give a shit do you," Louis growled beside me. I looked over at him. his eyes still on Zayn as he figited in his seat. I sighed and set my drink down and stood up strait. I turned around fully and looked at him.

"Of couse i give a shit, but if he is able to hold himself back for this long, what makes you think he won't be able to do it for a couple more seconds, i havent found someone tastey enough yet, just wait alright, you've all had your fill," Louis looked up at me.

"4 more mintues Harry, and then we're leaving," I rolled my eyes.

"Fine," He turned away from me and walkd over to the booth and sat down beside Niall, Zayn looking at him. I hear him say what i had told Louis. I heard Zayn growl lowly and glare up at me. I smiled sweetly at him, putting my hands under my chin and batting my eyelashes.

"Your dead," he growled from across the room. my hearing picking it up as if he was whispering it in my ear. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't point out the obvious," I heard him growl and a smile spread across my face as i scanned the crowd of dancing people. I heard a high pitched sqeaul and turned my attention to it. A girl was smiling and jumped up and down, she was obivously drunk. She reached for the girl infront of her. Blonde hair falling half way to her waist. Her tiny frame covered in a white tank top and jean shorts. Very short jean shorts. She didn't look to happy to be going into the crowd of overly happy people. But she went anyway as a new song started to play. I watched her as she bounced around with her friends, soon she seemed to be enjoying herself. Laughing and smiling.

"Come on Harry, we're going now," Liam said in a frantic voice, my head snapped towards them. Zayn's eyes where glowing. He was keeping his head bowed but i could see how much he was fighitng the urge. I turned back to her and watched her.

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