Chapter 5: His Sister, Angry

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I lay on my bed.

I hated everyone at the moment.

I just wanted my questions to be answered...

Finny knocked on the door. "Lady Annalisse?"

"Come in Finny. What do you need?" I said sitting up.

Finny walked in looking scared.

"What is the problem?" I asked.

"HE'S here." Finny shivered.

Please don't let "HE" mean who I thought it meant.

"Ok. Go back to tending the garden, I'll be down momentarily."

Finny walked out and I got ready.

I walked downstairs and saw the boy that my brother and I despised.

Alois Trancy.

With his butler, Claude Faustus.


I immediatley walked up to him and said in the calmest way possible. "Get out of my mansion."

"But your brother invited me here, Annalisse." He said licking his lips, showing his mark on his tounge.

"Why would my brother invite you here?" I asked sharply.

Ciel walked downstairs. "Because you two might be getting married." He said with a regretful face.

I turned back to my brother. "Are you insane? We both despise him. Why would you even consider this?"

Ciel looked sympathetic. But still stood up straight and said. "We are all having lunch together."

I almost hated my brother for a moment. He knew how Alois was. Why would he put me through that?

Sebastian told us about our meal and we ate it. After about five minutes Alois started complaining. "These berries are over ripe!" He said tossing the plate to the floor.

My eye twitched at the thought of being with this boy the rest of my life.

"I will get you another one with better berries then." Sebastian said cleaning the mess and then walking of to go do so.

When Sebastian returned and set the plate down, Alois threw that plate to the ground as well.

I couldn't take it. I stood up. "Eat the food! Its flawless! You just find fault with everything because your a disgusting human being!" I gritted my teeth to avoid saying something vulgar.

Alois whispered something to Claude and then looked back at me. "Know your place, woman."

I threw my dish at him. And stormed out.

I hated everyone...

Even my brother.

Thinking he can bethrothe me to some imbecile like Alois...

I sat down in the violet garden. I almost cried but didn't. I suddenly felt arms around me and I tried to break away but I realized it was Real Tanaka.

"I know he upsets you, my lady." He said in his old croaky voice.

"He... How could my brother just..." I stopped and hugged back. "You've always been here for me Tanaka."

He smiled and kissed my forehead. I always thought of him as my grandfather.

"But why would Ciel do that to me?" I asked.

"Your brother has a lot of things to do, I imagine it's very stressful for him. He wants to get you married so he won't have that on his shoulders. Another thing, there aren't a lot of noble boys who are your age, my lady." He said looking at me with a sympathetic smile.

"There has to be at least one more noble boy my age, isn't there? It's not like Alois is the only one."

"True. But I think the young master is tired of looking."

"But... But if I were in his shoes I'd give him the best wife possible. Certianly not Lizzie..." I said gritting my teeth.

Tanaka hugged me again. "I know its hard, my lady."

"I just want to..." I stopped when I realized he had turned back into his regular self.

He sipped his tea. "Ho, Ho, Ho."

I hugged him and went to the garden to see Finny.

"Miss Annalisse!" Finny stood up straight and then saluted me.

"At ease. We aren't in the militia." I said calmly.

"Why are you here, my lady?" He asked relaxing himself.

"I can't stand anyone in that house right now..." I said glaring at Alois standing on the frontal grounds calling my name.

"I'm terribly sorry, my lady." He said looking at Alois then back to me.

I suddenly flung my arms around him. He gasped and asked.

"Are you okay, my lady?"

"No. I haven't been okay since that damned day..." I said noticing I was getting dirt all over my dress, not that I cared.

"I'm quite sorry, my lady." Finny said blushing slightly.

"It isn't your fault." I said with a crack in my voice.

"My lady, you're getting dirt on your dress." He said trying to escape my grasp.

I let go of him and looked down. "I know. I'm sorry for strangling you."

"It's fine, Miss Annalisse." He said with a huge smile.

"Well, you can go back to gardening. I'll go walk around a bit more. Thank you, Finny." I said kissing his cheek.

He blushed. "You're welcome, my lady."


I was admiring the white roses when someone grabbed my arm and spun me around.

Alois had spun me into him so that he was now embracing me very tightly.

"Ole!" He shouted. And leaned in closer to me.

I was not having a repeat of what happened with William. ESPECIALLY not with Alois.

I shoved him off of me. "I hate you. I refuse to marry you. And my brother didn't even say it was final."

He embraced me again. "He will soon." He said with his evil smirk.

"No he won't. He'll find another boy for me. Not some pig like you!" I said trying to slap him but he stopped me.

"Not if we snuck a little something into his drink." Alois said laughing evily.

I stared into those ice blue eyes and glared at him. I hated him. I hated his stupid butler too.

Alois put his hands around my waist.

"Enough." I said wanting for someone to find us.

I would've summoned Sebastian but we didn't need Alois knowing he was a demon.

But then a thought hit me. If I married Alois, then the Reapers would come get him.

But I still did not want to be known as his wife. Annalisse Trancy did not sound good anyways.

Alois dipped me and kissed me.

I couldn't take it anymore.

"Sebastian. Come here now." I whispered after Alois was done kissing me.

And my wonderful demon butler was there smiling.

"What are you doing here?" Alois said in amazement.

"Helping my young mistress of course." Sebastian said picking Alois up and taking him off.

I sighed. Alois did manage to steal a kiss...

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