Chapter 10: His Sister, A Demon (Original Ending)

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There must've been something wrong...

Why did it say Grell's name?

That was impossible.

He's... He's homosexual... Why on earth would he marry me?

I looked down at him.

"This is a funny illusion you're playing, Grell."

"I can't lie. Remember?" He said coughing up blood.

"You love Sebastian and William, this isn't fooling me."

"William would yell at me if I didn't hide my love for you."

"Grell, stop lying."

"I'm not lying, Annalisse." Then his Cinematic Record spilled out.

He wasn't going to die! He was just trying to scare me.

"Grell wake up! You aren't fooling me."

Then I watched the Cinematic Record.

It showed when we met... How we hated each other. Back when he was 19 and I was 15.

Then it showed him kissing me...

And loving me...

And proposing to me...

He wasn't lying to me.

He was dying. For me.

I started crying and ripped the knives out of his chest.

"Sebastian! Get bandages!" I screaned.

I was bleeding badly but I didn't care. Sebastian brought bandages and then returned to helping my brother.

I wrapped Grell's wounds and they stopped bleeding.

"Wake up, you idiot. Wake up."

I gave him CPR. "Wake up, Grell. You're scaring me."

Grell was still limp.

"Grell I love you too. I'll still marry you." I couldn't stop crying.

I kissed his lifeless lips over and over. Hoping that fairytales were real and the kiss would bring him back to life.

He was dead. I couldn't do anything.

"I'm coming, Grell. Wait up for me." I said taking one of the knives.

Ciel threw his arms around me. "ANNALISSE DON'T!"

I looked down at him.

"Annalisse, I love you. Don't leave me alone." He pleaded.

"I... I refuse to live without him." I choked out.

"No!" He snatched the knife out of my hand.

"Ciel!" I grabbed one part and tugged.

"I'm not letting you die for him! You kill people every day this shouldn't be much different."

"He is my fiancee, Ciel." I tugged again.

Ciel's eye widened. "What?!" He still tugged though.

"Now do you see?" I yelled at him.

"That doesn't make sense! Stop lying, Annalisse!" He tugged again.

I stopped tugging. But then realized that the sharp end was facing him. He tugged so hard that it stabbed him...

He fell down immediatley. "CIEL!" I screamed.

"Young master!" Sebastian immediatley caught Ciel.

"Ciel... Ciel... Not you too. Please. Please don't you dare die. I can't.." I couldn't stop the millions of tears flowing down my cheeks.

His eye lost its glimmer. And his Cinematic Record spilled out.

"CIEL!!!!" I took the knife and split my neck.


Then I woke up. Grell's body was gone. The blood was gone and Ciel was awake. "Ciel!" I screamed and hugged him.

He smirked and his eye was red.

I looked at Sebastian. "You brought him back!"

"His revenge wasn't acheived. I brought him back as a demon... Even though now I can't devour his soul..." Sebastian said looking sad.

"Wait... What about me?!" I yelled.

"You too."

"What about Grell? Is he just getting in trouble by William?" I said with a hopeful tone.

Sebastian and Ciel gave each other a look.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't bring back people that weren't in a contract with me, my lady." He said with a sympathetic look.

So this was what being a demon was. I couldn't die without Sebastian bringing me back.

I would never feel again.

I forever despised the color red.

My heart was as black as obsidian now.

~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~

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